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11 June 2004
VATICAN - On the solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Pope speaks of the “close bond between “celebrating the Eucharist and proclaiming Christ. To enter into communion with Him in the memorial of Easter means at the same time to become missionaries of the event relived in the liturgy”. - The Pope announces a ‘Year of the Eucharist’ starting in October on the occasion of the International Eucharistic Congress
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “There exists a very close bond between "celebrating the Eucharist" and proclaiming Christ. To enter into communion with Him in the memorial of Easter means at the same time to become mis ...
9 June 2004
VATICAN - At the General Wednesday Audience the Pope reflects on his meeting with youth in Switzerland: “Christ himself, Risen and Living, calls young people of the third millennium to “rise up”, to give full meaning to their life ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At the General Wednesday Audience in St Peter’s Square this morning, the Pope reflected on his recent Apostolic Journey to Switzerland.. “The main reason for my apostolic pilgrimage to ...
4 June 2004
VATICAN - The Pope grants private audience to the President of the United States of America: “May God grant strength and success to all those who do not cease to hope and work for understanding between peoples, in respect for the security and rights of every man and woman”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At midday on June 4, Pope John Paul II received in a private audience President George W. Bush of the United States of America, with Mrs Bush and the president’s entourage. After welcomin ...
2 June 2004
VATICAN - His Excellency Monsignor Michel Gagnon, Bishop of Laghouat, unexpectedly passed away.
Vatican City (Fides Agency) - The Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples has learnt with grief of the death of His Excellency Monsignor Michel Gagnon, Bishop of Laghouat, a diocese in the south of Algeria. The bi ...
2 June 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s catechesis at the general audience: “I am not referring to all of you; I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfil the scripture: ‘He who shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me.” (Jn 13,18).
Vatican City (Fides Agency) - continuing on his cycle of catecheses on the Liturgy of the Vespers, the Holy Father John Paul II commented on Psalm 40, The Prayer of a Sick Person, during the today’s general audience (R ...
1 June 2004
VATICAN - Papal message at the end of the Marian Month of May: “Be light in your homes, in every place and under every circumstance of life. Be light with your faithful witness to the Gospel, learning day after day from Mary the perfect disciple of her Divine Son.”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The month of May closes with the liturgical feast of the Visitation: the second joyful mystery which fills hearts with ever new hope. The encounter between Mary and Elisabeth is animated ...
31 May 2004
VATICAN - For thirty years the International Centre for Missionary Animation (CIAM) has served the Church “to reawaken the desire for holiness in all the agents of mission”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “CIAM is at the service of the Church for the spiritual renewal of missionary pastoral workers and to promomte the spirit of mission throughout the Church”: this was how Father Romeo Ba ...
31 May 2004
VATICAN - The Pope presides 1st Vespers Pentecost: "it is my hope that the spirituality of Pentecost will spread in the Church giving new impulse to prayer, holiness, communion and mission ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Saturday 29 May in St Peter’s Square Pope John Paul II presided the celebration of Vespers for Pentecost. “Veni, creator Spiritus! From the Church everywhere on the solemnity of Pent ...
31 May 2004
VATICAN - The Pope says at the Regina Cæli prayer: “Conformed by the Spirit to Christ the new Adam, believers become his witnesses, sowing hope, spreading mercy and peace.”
Vatican City (Fides) - “Today the Church celebrates the Feast of Pentecost which recalls the miraculous effusion of the Holy Spirit upon Mary and the Apostles in the Upper Room”, Pope John Paul II said to crowds gath ...
28 May 2004
VATICAN - New challenges for ecumenical, interreligious and intercultural dialogue in the world of human mobility: 16th plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Itinerant Peoples
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The Plenary Assembly confirmed the conviction that dialogue is the indispensable path to enable every person to become really alive, in the search for the truth about God, mankind and th ...
26 May 2004
VATICAN - Renewal in the Spirit movement welcomes call to pray with the Pope to invoke copious outpouring of the gifts of the Spirit upon the whole Church
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Last Sunday during the Regina Caeli prayer Pope John Paul II invited those who will be present in Rome on Saturday May 29 to join him for Solemn celebration of Vespers on the vigil of the F ...
26 May 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s weekly teaching at the general audience: God is Judge, but he is also Saviour; he condemns evil and rewards fidelity and justice but above all love..
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “In this prayer we hear the pulsing hearts of the just who await in hope the coming of the Lord to render more luminous the vicissitudes of humanity often immersed in the shadows of sin, ...
24 May 2004
VATICAN - The Pope urges families and institutions to “use the media with prudence and wisdom” so the they may provide “opportunities for education, cultural enrichment and spiritual growth”. He also invited those who will be in Rome to a special Vigil of Pentecost in St Peter’s next Saturday evening.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - From his window on St Peter’s square where he came to pray the “Regina Cæli” hymn with visitors gathered for his Sunday blessing, the Pope spoke about the solemnity of the Ascension ...
22 May 2004
VATICAN - “Africa: a extraordinary resource of good for humanity” says Cardinal Martino at the end of a Conference on Africa and globalisation promoted by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
Vatican City (Fides Service)- “The many seedbeds of violence in Africa, AIDS and other pandemics, tragedies like poverty and injustices still weigh on the future of the continent producing negative effects which preven ...
22 May 2004
VATICAN - “Train qualified personal, build new health structures, guarantee medicines” Angola’s health minister Ms Albertina Nahosse Henrique Hamurkwaya illustrates her programme
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On the occasion of a day of study on the theme “Economic and social development of Africa in the era of globalisation”, organised by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in Rome ...
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