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27 April 2004
VATICAN - Thursday 29 April, presentation of Pope John Paul II’s Message for Mission Sunday 2004 on the theme “Eucharist and Mission”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Thursday 29 April Pope John Paul II’s Message for Mission Sunday 2004 on the theme Eucharist and Mission will be presented at the Holy See Press Office. Participants at the press conf ...
26 April 2004
VATICAN - The Pope beatifies six men and women: “With their confidence we too turn to Mary imploring… may the human family find again the paths of justice and peace”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Like the apostles, we gaze in wonder at the marvels the Lord works in the hearts of those who trust in Him. During this Eucharistic Celebration we contemplate what he has done in these s ...
23 April 2004
VATICAN - “For the past twenty years young people have carried this Cross along the paths of the world, on their shoulders, on sledges, on boats, by air, by car and nothing has ever stopped them…with its eloquent presence this Cross led them to start a journey, to rediscover the meaning of pilgrimage and mission” - Twenty years ago the Pope entrusted to young people the Holy Year cross, now the symbol of World Youth days
Rome (Fides Service) - “That was an event filled with significance at the level of church and also for many of us personally”: said Father Francis Khon, head of the Youth Section of the Pontifical Council for the Lai ...
22 April 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s Wednesday audience teaching: “Communion with God is the source of serenity, joy, peace, it is like entering an oasis of light and love”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Pope John Paul II took Psalm 26, “Trust in God in times of danger” (Vespers Wednesday week 1), as the subject of his teaching at the general Wednesday audience 21 April held in St Peter ...
20 April 2004
VATICAN - Promulgated 15 Decrees: Founder of Dehonian Missionaries among those to be beatified; recognised also the martyrdom of 7 priests and a nun killed during the Spanish civil war and the heroic virtues of a Sister who spent 30 years caring for lepers and a 10 year old girl who offered her suffering for the Church’s missionary work .
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In the presence of the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, on 19 April in the Sala Clementina in the Vatican, Decrees regarding miracles, martyrdom and heroic virtues of 15 Servants of God were ...
19 April 2004
VATICAN - At the Sunday Regina Cæli prayer the Pope says: “Jesus is our peace, because he is the perfect manifestation of Divine Mercy” - Appeal for the peoples of the Holy Land and Iraq: “I am especially close in thought and prayer to the families who fear for the safety of their loved ones, particularly those taken hostage”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Peace, a gift of the Risen Christ, Divine Mercy Sunday, the serious situation in the Holy Land and in Iraq, and an appeal for the release of all hostages, were the main contents of Pope Joh ...
15 April 2004
VATICAN - Like Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin, Doctor of the Church, now secondary patroness of the Apostleship of Prayer, everyone can live a life of prayer, charity, and the humility and simplicity of the Gospel”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “This proclamation will benefit the members of the Apostleship of Prayer who will receive abundant blessings from the Lord to enable them to follow like Saint Therese of Lisieux, a life o ...
14 April 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s Easter Message: “On this the day of your triumph over death may humanity find in you, O Lord, the courage to face together the many evils by which it is afflicted. In particular may it find the strength to face the inhuman and unfortunately spreading phenomenon of terrorism, which denies life and renders dark and insecure the daily life of so many hardworking and peaceful people”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Resurrexit, alleluia. He is Risen alleluia! Again this year the joyous news of Easter which resounded powerfully during the Easter Vigil last night, comes to strengthen our hope.
14 April 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s teaching at weekly Wednesday Audience: Victorious over death, Jesus gives life that will never die to those who accept him and believe in Him… In our day too it is necessary, thanks to the commitment of believers, to make resound the announcement of Christ who died, and who, through the power of his Spirit now lives and triumphs”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Pope John Paul gave his general Wednesday audience today April 14 in St Peter’s Square where visitors from all over the world had gathered for the occasion. The Pope meditated on the Seas ...
7 April 2004
HOLY EASTER 2004 - "Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things". (Lk 24, 46-48). The liberating message of Easter gives rise to new commitment to bear witness at the service of the Church’s mission to proclaim to all men and women that Christ is the Saviour and Redeemer of humanity. We wish you a Holy Easter in the light and the power of the Resurrection of Christ. FIDES SERVICE.
7 April 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday: ““Never forget that you yourselves are the first “Apostles” of Jesus the High Priest. Your own witness counts more than anything else”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “It is with great joy and affection that I write you this Holy Thursday Letter, following a tradition which began with my first Easter as the Bishop of Rome twenty-five years ago ”. Thi ...
5 April 2004
VATICAN - 8th International Youth Forum comes to a close. Archbishop Rylko tells young participants: “ Not only at university but in life Christ relies on each one of us. “The success of this Forum - Archbishop Rylko concluded- depends on you: now, put out into the deep!”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “What has this Forum meant for us who took part? A wonderful spiritual adventure, a wonderful experience of the Church; we were able to feel what its means to be the Catholic Church, univ ...
5 April 2004
VATICAN - The Pope begins Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday Mass: “Dear young people do not be afraid to proclaim whatever the circumstances the Gospel of the Cross. Do not be afraid to go upstream!”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “In the atmosphere of joy veiled with sadness which marks Palm Sunday we are celebrating the 19th World Youth Day. This year it has as its theme “We want to see Jesus” the request add ...
2 April 2004
VATICAN - Twenty years on the Pope entrusts Rome’s youth with the Cross: “Nourished by the Eucharist, united in the Church, carrying your own crosses, let your faith explode as you tell everyone about God’s mercy!”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Dear young friends with ever new creativity inspired by the Holy Spirit in prayer, continue to carry the Cross of Jesus which I entrusted to young people twenty years ago. Those young pe ...
1 April 2004
VATICAN - Pontifical Urban University launches “Affiliated net” project connecting i 92 affiliated Institutes all over the world and enrich missionary formation
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Pontifical Urban University PUU is academically connected with 92 Seminars/Institutes situated all over the world which provide philosophical, theological and missiological formation fo ...
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