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7 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar for new Bishops - “The Good News of Jesus Christ can and must be proclaimed through the press, radio, television and the Internet” says Archbishop John P. Foley
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ is the most important communication which human beings can receive and so our main responsibility is to communicate this news in the bes ...
7 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar for new Bishops - Archbishop Mons. Nikola Eterovic Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops illustrates the institution: “The Synod of Bishops is a valuable fruit of the Council”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The post synodal exhortation ‘Pastores gregis’: an example of synodal method”: was the subject of a talk which the secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, Archbishop Nikola Ete ...
6 September 2004
VATICAN - 118 Newly appointed Bishops from mission territories start seminary organised by the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples. Cardinal Sepe says “You Bishops are the builders of this Church which has begun a new millennium of her history ”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “This encounter is expression of the Congregation’s sincere communion with each of your particular Churches as well as providing an opportunity to meet you personally. The aim of our Se ...
6 September 2004
VATICAN - Contemplation, communion, and mission: John Paul II assigns tasks to Catholic Action in a Loreto. “Today, through the event of the beatification of these three Servants of God, the Lord says to you: the greatest gift you can give to the Church and the world is holiness.”
Vatican City (Fides) - On Sunday 5 September Pope John Paul II left his Summer residence in Castel Gandolfo by helicopter to fly to Montorso valley near Loreto, where he presided a Concelebration of Mass on the occasion ...
3 September 2004
VATICAN - On Sunday the Pope will beatify a Spanish priest, assistant to Catholic Action in Spain and two lay members of the Association: Alberto Marvelli and Pina Suriano
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Sunday 5 September Pope John Paul II will travel to Loreto for the conclusion of a meeting-pilgrimage organised by Catholic Action where he will celebrate Mass and beatify a Spanish prie ...
2 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar starts on Sunday 5 September in Rome for 118 newly appointed Bishops in missionary territories entrusted to the care of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Sunday 5 September 188 newly appointed Bishops in missionary territories in Africa, Asia, America and Oceania entrusted to the care of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, ...
1 September 2004
VATICAN - “The Church needs Catholic Action” the Pope writes in a message to participants at International Congress of the Catholic Action Association
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides)- “Today once again I would like to say: the Church has need of Catholic Action! Remembering must be merely a nostalgic returning to the past it should stimulate new awareness of the preciou ...
1 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s teaching at the general audience: “a person who adores the idols of wealth, power or success loses his dignity as a human person...On the contrary, those who believe in the Lord know that the living God is their «help» and their «shield»”. An appeal for a cessation of violence everywhere, “never a worthy of a good cause”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Idolatry is a temptation for all humanity in every land and in every time. An idol is something unanimated, created by the human hands, a cold statue, without life ... a person who adore ...
30 August 2004
VATICAN - At the Angelus prayer the Pope recalls St John the Baptist and all martyrs for the faith “who have courageously followed his footsteps through the centuries... In a special way the many Christians victims in the last century of religious hatred in various countries of Europe ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Sunday 29 August, the date on which the Church recalls the martyrdom of St John the Baptist who “bore supreme witness to God offering his life for truth and justice”, in his address ...
29 July 2004
VATICAN - On-the-spot investigation at Yaounde by President of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Care of the Sick and Healthcare Workers Cardinal Lozano Barragan, in view of next Catholic World Day of the Sick dedicated to AIDS patients
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Christ Hope for Africa” will be the theme of the 13th Catholic World Day of the Sick on 11 February in Yaounde in Cameroon. Recently Cardinal Lozano Barragan President of the Pontifica ...
28 July 2004
VATICAN/AMERICA - ‘Too many words and too few facts in the struggle against HIV/AIDS’, warns Cardinal Javier L. Barragan as he announces imminent establishment of a Good Samaritan Foundation
Vatican City (Fides Service) - As one of the speakers at a Rome/Washington digital video conference to discuss “US support for Faith-based Involvement in HIV/AIDS Treatment and Prevention”, organised on July 27 in Ro ...
28 July 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s teaching at weekly audience: “God is the only good and so the Psalmist sets himself in the community of those who are faithful to the Lord.”
Vatican City (Fides) - This morning in his weekly audience at the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican, having travelled by car from his Summer residence in Castel Gandolfo to keep the Wednesday appointment with the general publi ...
27 July 2004
VATICAN - Final document from Sixth World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Tourism: pastoral care of persons exploited by sex tourism a high priority for the Church
Vatican City (Fides Service) - A final document has been issued following the Sixth World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Tourism held at the Pastoral Training Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, from 5th to 8th July 2004. It wa ...
26 July 2004
VATICAN - “How can we remain indifferent?” : during his Sunday Angelus with regard to Darfur in Sudan the Pope makes urgent appeal to political leaders and international organisations
Vatican City (Fides Service) - An anguished call to the international community to assist the suffering people in Uganda and Darfur (Sudan) was launched by Pope John Paul II on Sunday 25 July during his address before th ...
23 July 2004
VATICAN - Meeting in Brasilia, Populorum Progressio Foundation examines situations in South American countries and 260 development projects elaborated by various countries
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Populorum Progressio Foundation, created in 1992 by John Paul II to help poor communities in Latin America, is meeting since July 20 at the Redemptoris Mater missionary seminary of the ...
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