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30 June 2004
VATICAN - At his general Audience the Pope explains the significance of the Pallium: “it expresses the fundamental principle of communion, it recalls that this communion is organic and hierarchical, it shows that the Church, to be one, needs the special service of the Church of Rome and its Bishop, the head of the College of Bishops, lastly it emphasises the Catholicity of the Church”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - During the audience this morning 30 June in St Peter’s Square, Pope John Paul II explained to those present the significance of the Pallium which he imposed on the shoulders of the new Me ...
30 June 2004
VATICAN - Pope John Paul II receives in audience His Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople: may the memory of the history making encounter between Patriarch Athenagoras I and Pope Paul VI in 1964 “prompt a leap forward in dialogue and restoration mutual brotherly relations”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “We give thanks to God commemorating together that blessed encounter forty years ago between my venerable predecessor Pope Paul VI, and the venerable Patriarch Athenagoras I. It took plac ...
28 June 2004
VATICAN - At the Angelus prayer the Pope recalls history-making meeting of Paul VI and Orthodox Patriarch Athenagora I of Constantinople in 1964 and urges Catholics to pray “for full unity of Christians”.
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “On 29 June we celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul and for the occasion I will have the joy of welcoming once again to the Vatican His Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarc ...
28 June 2004
VATICAN - On the solemnity of Saint Peter and Paul Pope John Paul II will impose the Pallium on 44 newly appointed metropolitan Archbishops: Fides spoke with four of the new Metropolitan Archbishops from Taipei, Manila, Calabar and Antequera,Oaxaca
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In keeping with tradition on the solemn feast of Saint Peter and Paul, patron saints of Rome, Pope John Paul II will impose the Pallium, symbol of Church unity on 44 new Archbishops of the ...
26 June 2004
VATICAN - The Pope addresses European Symposium of University Docents: “The family is the future of Europe. We can say that the family is the mirror of society and therefore also of the new Europe which is being built ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The family is the future of Europe. We can say that the family is the mirror of society and therefore also of the new Europe which is being built. The evolution of the family is and will ...
25 June 2004
VATICAN - “Tourism at the service of the meeting of peoples”: 6th Congress on Pastoral of Tourism
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The 6th International Congress on Pastoral of Tourism organised by the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples will be held 5 to 8 July 2004 in Bangkok, ...
25 June 2004
VATICAN - “Sport and Tourism, two Vital Forces at the Service of Reciprocal Understanding”: Pope John Paul II issues Message for the Church’s 25th World Tourism Day
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The event tourism should be seen not as one of many events of human activity but as a phenomenon inserted in a unitary and community understanding of humanity and society”, a projectio ...
24 June 2004
VATICAN - The Pope receives participants at a meeting of the Union of Aid Agencies for Eastern Catholic Churches: “Your visit brings to mind the situation of the Christian communities in the Churches of the East, in our times sorely tried because of wars, terrorism and other difficulties ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Your visit brings to mind the situation of the Christian communities in the Churches of the East, in our times sorely tried because of wars, terrorism and other difficulties.” Receivin ...
23 June 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s weekly Wednesday teaching: “ Expectation for judgement present in every culture, the need for truth and love felt by every spirituality contain a tending towards the Lord which only on reaching Him is placated ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Canticle “Hymn of adoration and praise” (cfr Rev 15,3-4 - Vespers Friday Week one) was the subject of Pope John Paul II’s teaching during the weekly general audience this morning ...
22 June 2004
VATICAN - On the feast day of Peter and Paul, patron saints of Rome, the Pope will preside a solemn Mass in St Peter’s Square. This year a most welcome guest will be Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In St Peter’s Square at 6pm, on Tuesday 29 June, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, patron saints of Rome, Pope John Paul II will preside a solemn Mass, attended by the Orthodox Ecumenic ...
22 June 2004
VATICAN - Special holiness of numerous Catholic priests, men and women religious and lay people, persecuted in Mexico and Spain in the 20th century recognised with 16 solemn decrees by Congregation for the Causes of Saints
Vatican City (Fides) - This morning, 22 June, in the Sala Clementina in the Vatican, in the presence of Pope John Paul II, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints promulgated Decrees regarding the heroic virtues, mirac ...
21 June 2004
VATICAN - Pope sends President of Pontifical Council Cor Unum to Haiti and Dominican Republic where at least 2,000 people perished in recent floods
Vatican City (Fides Service) -Pope John Paul II has sent Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum to Haiti and the Dominican Republic where at least 2,000 people perished and thousands w ...
21 June 2004
VATICAN - Statement from Director of Holy See Press Office on newly approved European Constitutional treaty: satisfaction for new step towards integration but regret for failure to recognise the continent’s Christian roots
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Saturday 19 June the Director of the Holy See’s press office Dr. Joaquín Navarro-Valls, issued the following press statement in Italian: (our English translation). “The means of s ...
21 June 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s Sunday message : “Everyone needs a safe place in which to live. This is something to which Refugees aspire but in many countries millions are still at collection points or in any case are limited for a long time in the exercise of their rights.”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - A vibrant appeal “not to forget our refugee brothers and sisters!” was launched by Pope John Paul II in his message before the Angelus prayer on Sunday 20 June, World Refugee Day. Reca ...
17 June 2004
VATICAN - A reflection on the occasion of the Church’s World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests: Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 18 June 2004
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In Italy we have a saying: “you can tell by the way a priest celebrates the Eucharist, the devotion with which he lifts his hands during Mass how much love he has in his heart for Jesus! ...
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