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7 October 2004
VATICAN - “A bridge between tradition, which we want to keep alive and not under glass, and modern day production of music which draws inspiration from the great values and transmits them” Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, President of Pontifical Commission of the Cultural Heritage of the Church told Fides.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On the occasion of a Press Conference to present the 3rd International Festival of Sacred Art and Music, Fides interviewed Archbishop Mauro Piacenza, President of Pontifical Commission of ...
7 October 2004
VATICAN - Year of the Eucharist: tomorrow, to mark the publication of the Pope’s latest Apostolic Letter, Fides opens a new section on the Year of the Eucharist October 2004 - October 2005 with information Papal teaching on the subject, Eucharistic Congresses, Synod of Bishops, how the Year will be celebrated around the world...
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Tomorrow, 8 October when Pope John Paul’s latest Apostolic Letter for the Year of the Eucharist will be made public, Fides opens a new section ( offering information in view ...
6 October 2004
VATICAN - RSS: new tool for evangelisation via the Internet: click to read Fides News without a browser
Fides Service - From today thanks to RSS (Really Simple Syndication), you can read Fides News items as they are ready. This new service is operated by a “feed reader” programme which at regular intervals takes thes ...
6 October 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s weekly teaching: “The future, not only of a dynasty but of humanity, is guaranteed precisely because the couple offers the world new our day the West is often incapable of entrusting its life to the future through the generation and protection of new persons”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Reflecting on Psalm 44,11-18 - “The Queen and Bride” (Vespers Monday 2nd week. Reading: Ps 44,11-12.14-15.18) during his teaching at the Wednesday general Audience in St Peter’s Squar ...
4 October 2004
VATICAN - Pope John Paul II beatifies five Servants of God who “let themselves be guided by the Word of God like a bright and secure beacon which never ceased to illuminate their path”; a call to recite the “sweet prayer ” of the Rosary following the example of the newly beatified
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Sunday 3 October, during a concelebrated Mass in St Peter’s Square Pope John Paul II beatified 5 Servants of God: Pierre Vigne (1670-1740), priest, founder of the Congregation of the S ...
1 October 2004
VATICAN - Feast day of Saint Therese of Lisieux opens Missionary month of October with its culminating event on 24 October World Mission Day: “Eucharist and Mission” open the Year the Eucharist
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Today the feast day of Saint Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897), proclaimed patron of the missions with St Francis Xavier in 1927, is the first day of the Missionary month of October which will ...
30 September 2004
VATICAN - Pope’s message World Day for the Sick: “On the next World Day of the Sick we want to proclaim hope for the full health of Africa and for the whole of humanity and our commitment to work with ever greater determination to serve this great cause”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The main celebration for the next World Day for the Sick, 11 February 2005, will take place at the Mary Queen of the Apostles church in Yaounde, Cameroon and it will reflect on the theme: � ...
29 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s teaching at the general audience: “Beauty must be combined with goodness and holiness of life so that the face of God wonderful and just, will shine resplendently in the world.”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning Pope John Paul II returned to Rome from his Summer residence in Castel Gandolfo and the first event on his schedule was the general audience for visitors gathered in St Peter� ...
29 September 2004
VATICAN - “The Communications Media at the service of Understanding between Peoples”: Pope John Paul II has chosen the theme of the Church’s 2005 World Communications Day
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Presenting the theme chosen by Pope John Paul II for World Communications Day 2005 “The Communications Media at the service of Understanding between Peoples” Archbishop John P. Foley, P ...
27 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope grant audience to Papal Nuncios in Africa: “continue to be witnesses of communion, helping to overcome tensions and misunderstandings and the temptation of particularism, and to strengthen a sense of belonging to the one and undivided People of God”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Saturday 25 September at the end of the morning in his summer residence at Castel Gandolfo Pope John Paul II gave a special audience to Papal Nuncios from Africa taking part in a meeting ...
27 September 2004
VATICAN - At his midday Angelus reflection the Pope says “personal resources must be used not selfishly but with solidarity”: to guarantee justice and development with solidarity is the “way to guarantee the world a future peace”
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Before reciting the Angelus prayer with visitors gathered in the courtyard of his summer residence, Pope John Paul II reflected on the Sunday Gospel on the parable of the rich man and the p ...
24 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope grants an audience to the General Chapter of the Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate: “Your presence, animated by religious and missionary fervour, must be a sign and a seed of hope for all you meet”
Castel Gandolfo (Fides Service) - This morning at his Summer residence in Castel Gandolfo Pope John Paul II granted a private audience to the members of the General Chapter of the Oblate Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, ...
22 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s teaching at the Wednesday Audience: “Christ is the Saviour, united with us in his human «body», so he can be with us, share our pain, carry our evil. But he is always the Son of God and his union with us is radically transforming, liberating, expiating, saving”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Canticle with the title “The freely undertaken passion of Christ Servant of God”, second vespers of Sunday, week 2 (reading: cfr 1Pt 2,21-24), was the subject of Pope John Paul II� ...
21 September 2004
VATICAN - Cardinal Sodano in New York recalls “vast humanitarian activity of Catholic institutions all over the world especially in the missions and in the poorest countries” to fight hunger and poverty
New York (Fides Service) - “The Holy See has always supported the many individual and community initiatives to solve the dramatic problem of hunger and poverty: it suffices to recall the vast humanitarian activity of ...
20 September 2004
VATICAN - A unique experience which has enriched us enormously and strengthened our communion with the Pope and with all Bishops”: student Bishops share their impressions at the end of the study seminar organised by the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “We Bishops also need formation. We studied for the priesthood in the seminary and we had teachers who accompanied our journey of formation. When we are appointed Bishops our task becomes ...
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