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28 July 2004
VATICAN/AMERICA - ‘Too many words and too few facts in the struggle against HIV/AIDS’, warns Cardinal Javier L. Barragan as he announces imminent establishment of a Good Samaritan Foundation
Vatican City (Fides Service) - As one of the speakers at a Rome/Washington digital video conference to discuss “US support for Faith-based Involvement in HIV/AIDS Treatment and Prevention”, organised on July 27 in Ro ...
28 July 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s teaching at weekly audience: “God is the only good and so the Psalmist sets himself in the community of those who are faithful to the Lord.”
Vatican City (Fides) - This morning in his weekly audience at the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican, having travelled by car from his Summer residence in Castel Gandolfo to keep the Wednesday appointment with the general publi ...
27 July 2004
VATICAN - Final document from Sixth World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Tourism: pastoral care of persons exploited by sex tourism a high priority for the Church
Vatican City (Fides Service) - A final document has been issued following the Sixth World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Tourism held at the Pastoral Training Centre, Bangkok, Thailand, from 5th to 8th July 2004. It wa ...
26 July 2004
VATICAN - “How can we remain indifferent?” : during his Sunday Angelus with regard to Darfur in Sudan the Pope makes urgent appeal to political leaders and international organisations
Vatican City (Fides Service) - An anguished call to the international community to assist the suffering people in Uganda and Darfur (Sudan) was launched by Pope John Paul II on Sunday 25 July during his address before th ...
23 July 2004
VATICAN - Meeting in Brasilia, Populorum Progressio Foundation examines situations in South American countries and 260 development projects elaborated by various countries
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Populorum Progressio Foundation, created in 1992 by John Paul II to help poor communities in Latin America, is meeting since July 20 at the Redemptoris Mater missionary seminary of the ...
21 July 2004
VATICAN - At the general audience in the Vatican the Pope continues his catechesis on the Psalms: "Man often walks through the dark path of life, but suddenly the darkness is breached by the splendour of the Word of God".
Vatican City (Fides Agency) - "Now, after a break due to my stay in Valle d'Aosta, at this General Audience let us move on along our itinerary through the Psalms proposed by the Liturgy of the Vespers. Today we encounter ...
16 July 2004
VATICAN - “...will we soon be dominated by a new race built in a laboratory? Who will be father and mother, I? You? And tomorrow who will be our parents?” These questions posed by professor Edmund Pellegrino, former President of Catholic Universities in America recently on Italian television, are answered for Fides by Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice President della Pontifical Academy for Life: “The being is the border for man to remain human and the principle of humanity to remain integral, indeed to be promoted by all ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The advent of the Neolithic era in the history of humanity led man out of the caves and set him to conquer the world; man became a shepherd and a farmer, he learned to work metal and bui ...
12 July 2004
VATICAN - Papal Message to the Rogationist community: “Missionary impulse is intrinsic to the identity of the apostles of ‘Rogate!’. Contemplation of the ‘harvest is plenty’ and the ‘workers who are few, cannot fail to open the heart to universal longing for the evangelisation of peoples”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “May the work of evangelisation, from first announcement to catechesis, combined with generous service of the weakest, especially those children and young people who have no family or lac ...
12 July 2004
VATICAN - The Pope prays the Angelus from the mountains: “In silence man can hear deep within his conscience the voice of God who renders him truly free. Vacation time can help cultivate this indispensable interior dimension of human life.”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On July 5 Pope John Paul II started a short holiday in Les Combes in Valle d’Aosta. At midday on Sunday 11 July the Pope prayed the Angelus broadcast on radio and television and greeted t ...
7 July 2004
VATICAN - In Bangkok 6th International Congress on Pastoral of Tourism: "Tourism at the service of the meeting of Peoples".
Bangkok (Fides Service) - “The title of our Congress - “Tourism at the service of the meeting of Peoples.” - was chosen to indicate the central point of the proclamation of the Gospel” Cardinal Stephen Fumio Hama ...
5 July 2004
VATICAN - At the Angelus prayer the Pope tells people about the recent visit of Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I: “Christians can and should always collaborate even when there are divisions and conflict. This is an eloquent manner of announcing the Gospel of peace to a world marked sad to say by unbalance and violence.”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Sunday July 4, during his address before the Angelus prayer, once again Pope John Paul II reminisced about the recent visit he received by the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantin ...
2 July 2004
VATICAN “May the international community be ever bolder, more generous, more creative, more energetic in its struggle to finally end the division of the world into areas of poverty and plenty”. Prof. Mary Ann Glendon, president of the Pontifical Academy for Social Science addresses UN Economic and Social Council
Vatican City(Agenzia Fides) - On June 29 in New York, Prof. Mary Ann Glendon, President della Pontifical Academy of Social Science and Head of the Delegation of the Holy See to the ECOSOC 2004 High Level Segment on Least ...
2 July 2004
VATICAN - “May Christians and Churches live in peace and harmony to bear witness together to the message of the Gospel in a credible and convincing manner”: John Paul II and Bartholomew I issue Joint Declaration
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At the end of visit made by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople to Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, John Paul II and Bartholomew I signed ...
1 July 2004
VATICAN - On the continent of Internet criminal motorways connect paedophiles around the world. Numbers, data, profits, soon in a Fides Dossier
Vatican City (Fides Service) - A business of 5 billion dollars a year, 30.000 paedophile-pornographic, web sites 12 million images, 2.5 million children aged 10-12 affected. This, and much more in a Dossier which Fides w ...
30 June 2004
VATICAN - Pope John Paul II: “the unity we search for is first of all a gift of God. We are aware however that to hasten the hour of its full realisation depends also on us, on our prayer, our conversion to Christ.”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At 6pm on Tuesday 29 June, feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Pope John Paul II, with the participation of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, celebrated the Eucharist in St Peter’s Square. ...
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