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20 September 2004
VATICAN - “Holiness helps the Church to grow, it instils hope in human hearts and adheres effectively to the missionary command of the Lord”: Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe closes Study Seminar for newly appointed Bishops
Vatican City (Fides Service) - A solemn Concelebration of Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Saturday 18 September was the closing event of a study seminar for newly appointed Bishops of mission territories organised by th ...
20 September 2004
Vatican - The Pope’s reflection at the Angelus prayer: “The death of Jesus is the encounter between the apparent triumph of evil and the definitive victory of good; the darkest moment of history and the revelation of God’s glory… For believers the Cross of Christ is an icon of hope ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “At this dawn of the third millennium, blessed by the Great Jubilee and so rich in potential, humanity is suffering from the terrible spread of terrorism. The succession of atrocious atta ...
17 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar for Bishops - The Bishop must be a moderator, promoter and guarantor of liturgical life in his diocese: address by Card. Francis Arinze prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In his address to Bishops attending a Seminar organised by the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, Cardinal Francis Arinze, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and th ...
16 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope receives Bishops attending Seminar organised by the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples: “Your first duty is to be zealous promoters of the integrity of the faith and the unity of the Church”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At a private audience this morning in his Summer Residence in Castel Gandolfo, Pope John Paul II urged a group of Bishops from mission territories to guarantee the integrity of the faith an ...
15 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar for Bishops - Cardinal Scola speaks on formation in Seminaries and institutes of theology: “The formation of candidates to the priesthood is not among the many tasks assigned to the Bishop”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In his address to the newly appointed Bishops from mission territories taking part in the Seminar organised by the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, Cardinal Angelo Scola, Pat ...
15 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s weekly teaching at the general audience: “The Church on earth harmonises her song of praise with that of the just who already contemplate the glory of God. This builds a channel of communication between history and eternity”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In his address to visitors who had come for the general audience on September 15, Pope John Paul II continued his comment on the liturgy and he said: “The Church on earth harmonises her s ...
14 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope receives a group of Bishops from New Zealand: “pressing need for Christ’s liberating message in a society experiencing the tragic consequences of the eclipse of the sense of God”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “New Zealanders look to you to be men of hope, preaching and teaching with passion the splendour of Christ’s truth which dispels the darkness and illuminates the true path of life”. T ...
13 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar for newly appointed Bishops - Cardinal Nicora illustrates duties and risks of service in administration “to guarantee material means so that the mission Jesus entrusted to his Church may continue”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Worship, pastoral, charity, ecclesiastic personnel: are the four constitutive ends of the possession and use of ecclesial resources as such. The Church may possess resources only for the ...
13 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s reflection at the midday Sunday Angelus prayer: “May Mary watch over humanity suffering today from distressing explosions of violence. May she watch over the young generations especially who desire to build a future of hope for all”.
Castel Gandolofo (Agenzia Fides) - On Sunday 12 September, before reciting the Angelus prayer with visitors gathered in the courtyard of his Summer Residence in Castel Gandolfo outside Rome, Pope John Paul II recalled th ...
11 September 2004
VATICAN - Chinese priests and lay persons arrested: the Holy See denounces “serious violation of freedom of religion, fundamental human right”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On Saturday 11 September the Holy See announced that during the month of August the Chinese authorities arrested several members of the local Catholic clergy and laity: “this is a serious ...
10 September 2004
VATICAN - “A unique opportunity for getting to know one another as brothers”: Study Seminar for newly appointed Bishops of mission territories rounds the mark
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Study Seminar organised for newly appointed Bishops of mission territories by the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples is almost half way through its work. It opened on Sunday ...
10 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar for newly appointed Bishops - Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, Secretary of State Substitute for General Affairs, illustrates the bishop’s relations with the Curia and the Bishops’ Conferences
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Bishop’s relations with the Curia and Bishops’ Conferences was the subject of a talk given today by Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, the Holy Father’s Secretary of State Substitute for ...
9 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar for newly appointed Bishops - “Faced with dramatic and persistent divisions and lacerations in the world the Church is called, through her Bishops, to explain the reasons for the hope she bears”: address by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Faced with dramatic and persistent divisions and lacerations in the world the Church is called, through her Bishops, Successors of the Apostles, to explain the reasons for the hope she b ...
8 September 2004
VATICAN - The Pope leads prayers for the children killed in Beslan and all innocent children abused by adults: This is the “anguished cry of childhood offended in its dignity”. Prayers for justice and peace in the world include the safe return of Italian women social workers taken hostage yesterday
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Today, the liturgical feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, during his general audience in the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican, Pope John Paul II said once again that it is the duty ...
7 September 2004
VATICAN - Study Seminar for newly appointed Bishops - The Pontifical Mission Societies, “a central pillar of the bridge which the Church is building towards peoples and religions through evangelisation and dialogue”: Father Fernando Galbiati, PIME
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The existence and the activity of the Pontifical Mission Societies are an important reality in the Church today” said Father Fernando Galbiati, PIME, Secretary General of the Pontifica ...
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