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7 June 2005
VATICAN - “The universal Church and its mission consists in proclaiming the Gospel to all peoples therefore the Internet can serve as a useful tool for this purpose” the President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications told Catholic web masters
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “God can be found even on the Internet. And many of the millions of people who use the Internet every day, may come across words of hope, encounter different cultural and spiritual experi ...
7 June 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI opens Rome’s diocesan Ecclesial Congress with an important address on the Family “The various present day forms of dissolution of matrimony, free unions and "trial marriages" and even pseudo-matrimony between people of the same sex, are instead expressions of an anarchical freedom which wrongly claims to be authentic liberation of the human person”.
Rome (Fides Service) - In the evening of Monday 6 June the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI went to the Cathedral of Rome St John’s to open a Diocesan Ecclesial Congress on “The Family and the Christian Community: forma ...
6 June 2005
VATICAN - At the midday Angelus prayer Pope Benedict XVI recalls the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the centenary of Blessed Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, patron of migrants. He also calls for prayers for the “concerning situation in Bolivia” and the release of Italian humanitarian volunteer kidnapped in Afghanistan
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “On Friday we celebrated the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a devotion deeply rooted among the people” Pope Benedict XVI said from his study window on Sunday 5 June before leading ...
3 June 2005
VATICAN - Mission Study Courses offered by the Pontifical Missionary Union at the beginning of the third millennium: “The Catholic School on Mission” and “Medicine and Mission”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Pontifical Missionary Union PMU in its activity of missionary formation and animation of clergy, religious and laity and the entire people of God, offered at the beginning of the new mi ...
1 June 2005
VATICAN - “To welcome Jesus and carry him to others is the true joy of the Christian! Let us follow and imitate Mary, a profoundly eucharistic soul, and our whole life will be a Magnificat”: the Pope said at the end of the month of May, the month of Mary
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “In this special Year of the Eucharist we are living Mary helps us appreciate more and more the great sacrament of the Eucharist. Our beloved Pope John Paul II in his last Encyclical - Ec ...
1 June 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI’s Wednesday audience teaching: “Christ, God-with-us, is not content to look at us kindly from his throne of glory, he immerses his very self in human history becoming flesh, that is a fragile reality conditioned by time and space”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Canticle (cfr Phil 2,6-11) “Christ Servant of God”, first vespers Sunday week 3 (reading: Phil 2,6-11) was the subject of Pope Benedict XVI’s teaching during the general audience in S ...
31 May 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI addresses Italian Bishops : “Italy can and must play a major role in offering common witness to Jesus Christ our only Saviour, so Christ may be the measure for true humanism, for individual conscience and the structures social life”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Dear brothers, our bond has a precise root, the same root which unites all the Bishops of the world with the Successor of Peter, but in this country it is even stronger because the Pope ...
30 May 2005
VATICAN - "The Church will never stop saying that marriage and the family are part of God’s plan and nothing can replace them or act as a substitute for them": The Pope confirms the convocation of 5th World Meeting of Families in Spain in 2006
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Pope Benedict XVI has confirmed the convocation of the 5th World Meeting for Families promoted by the Catholic Church to be held in the first week in July 2006 in Valencia Spain with the th ...
28 May 2005
VATICAN - The Pope receives Burundian Bishops on ad Limina visit: “announce the Gospel and heal memory and hearts, foster solidarity among all Burundians and ban all spirit of revenge and resentment, encourage forgiveness and reconciliation”.
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI received in audience a group of Bishops of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Burundi on the occasion of their five-yearly ad limina visit ...
27 May 2005
VATICAN - “Each year infectious diseases are responsible for the death of 17 million persons of whom 90 percent live in developing countries: Holy See delegation addresses 58th World Health Assembly
Geneva (Fides Service) - “Unfortunately, illnesses, especially infectious ones, are ever more virulent in the poorest countries that, precisely because they are poor, do not have the resources to obtain medicine that, ...
27 May 2005
VATICAN - “The Corpus Christi procession responds symbolically to the command of the Risen Lord: I am going before you to Galilee. Go out to the ends of the earth, carry the Gospel to the world.” The Pope says during Mass celebrated in front of the Cathedral of Rome
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The procession on Holy Thursday accompanies Jesus in his solitude towards the "via crucis". The procession on Corpus Christi, instead responds symbolically to the command of the Risen Lo ...
25 May 2005
VATICAN - The Pope comments on Psalm 115: “The entire people of God, thank the Lord of life, Who never abandons the just in the dark bosom of pain and death, but leads then to hope and to life."
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “In the original Hebrew Psalm 115 forms one composition with the previous psalm 114. Both form a unitary act of thanksgiving to the Lord who frees us from the nightmare of death. In our ...
24 May 2005
VATICAN - Papal Letter to the Church in Spain on the occasion of the national pilgrimage to Zaragoza: “May the Blessed Virgin Mary preserve every family from all forms of social justice, from all that offends its dignity and restricts its freedom”
Zaragoza (Fides Service) - “At this time of discernment for many hearts you the Bishops of Spain are looking towards the One who welcomed with total availability the life of God who was entering history” Pope Benedic ...
23 May 2005
VATICAN - The Pope’s Sunday reflection at the Angelus: “God is not solitude, but perfect communion. This is why the human person, the image of God, is realised through love, sincere gift of self ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The words which summarise all revelation are these: ‘God is love’ (1 Jn 4,8.16); and love is always a mystery, a reality which goes beyond reason although without contradicting it, ...
21 May 2005
VATICAN - The Pope addresses Bishops from Rwanda: “May the Spirit of Pentecost render fruitful the efforts of those who strive to build brotherhood among all Rwandans in a spirit of truth and justice!”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning, Saturday 21 May Pope Benedict XVI received the Bishops of Rwanda on ad limina visit to Rome”. “Through you I greet affectionately your communities” the Pope said, encour ...
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