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20 June 2005
VATICAN - First International Meeting on Pastoral Care for Street Women: “An insult to fundamental values common to all cultures and peoples, values rooted in the very nature of the human person” said Cardinal Fumio Hamao
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “We thought it opportune to organise this meeting to discuss a phenomenon which - far from being eliminated in the process of civil evolution - is still part of social tissue. I refer to ...
20 June 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI receives Bishops of Madagascar on ad limina visit: “Help the faithful acquire an illuminated faith, rooted in an intimate encounter with Christ. Inculturation of the faith in Malagasy culture remains an important goal”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “May the Malagasy people live in God’s peace and continue with courage to build a society ever more respectful of the human person and human dignity” Pope Benedict XVI said on 18 June ...
20 June 2005
VATICAN - At the Angelus prayer the Pope recalls the painful situation of refugees: “may people who live away from their own country feel that the Church is a homeland where no one is a stranger”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On the occasion of World Day for Refugees 20 June promoted by the United Nations Organisation with the theme "the courage to be a refugee ", Pope Benedict XVI devoted his short address bef ...
18 June 2005
VATICAN - New Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic presented this morning to Pope Benedict XVI
Vatican City (Fides) - This morning at 10.30 the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church was presented to Pope Benedict XVI by members of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican Publishing House and Saint Paul ...
17 June 2005
VATICAN - The Pope addresses new ambassadors of Azerbaijan, Guinea, Malta, New Zealand, Rwanda, Switzerland and Zimbabwe: “the first challenge is solidarity between generations, solidarity between nations and between continents for an ever more equal sharing of the planet’s resources among all men and women”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Pope Benedict on June 16 received the Letters of Credence of seven new ambassadors to the Holy See, including the first ever representative from the Republic of Azerbaijan. The Pope present ...
17 June 2005
VATICAN - “The commitment of the Catholic Church to the search for Christian unity is irreversible” the Pope told the Secretary General of the World Council of Churches from Geneva
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s firm commitment to reach unity among Christians when on June 16 he received in a private audience in the Vatican Reverend Samuel Kobia, ...
15 June 2005
VATICAN - First International Meeting for Pastoral Care to Liberate Women on the Streets: every year one million women and girls are victims of prostitution rackets, human trafficking, sex tourism
Vatican City (Fides Service) - To reflect on the situation of street women in various countries, share experiences of helping them and plan specific pastoral care in this field, about fifty representatives of Bishops’ ...
15 June 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI comments Psalm 122: The just have entrusted their cause to the Lord and he is not indifferent to their imploring eyes, he does not ignore their invocation, or disappoint their hope
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Jesus in the Gospel says that the eye is an expression of the profound I, it is the mirror of the soul (cfr Mt 6,22-23). Well, Psalm 122, just proclaimed, consists of an exchange of loo ...
13 June 2005
VATICAN - The Pope reminds parents that they are “called to help their children discover the value and importance of responding to Christ who convokes the entire Christian family to Sunday Mass” and announces a special October 15 Meeting of Catechesis for children who made their First Holy Communion during this year
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In this eighth month of the special Year of the Eucharist once again Pope Benedict XVI underlined the importance of Sunday, the Lord’s Day and duty of parents to educate their children in ...
11 June 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI addresses Bishops of South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia and Lesotho: “Catholics in your region constitute a minority. This presents many challenges which require dedication on the part of the Church to tend the flock effectively and, at the same time, remain faithful to her missionary commitment”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Catholics in your region constitute a minority. This presents many challenges which require dedication on the part of the Church to tend the flock effectively and, at the same time, rema ...
10 June 2005
VATICAN - Cause for beatification and canonisation of Pope John Paul II to open on June 28 in Rome’s Cathedral St John in the Lateran
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The cause for the beatification and canonisation of Pope John Paul II will officially open in the cathedral of Rome, the Basilica of St John in the Lateran on Tuesday 28 June. The news was ...
10 June 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI receives delegation of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations: “The spiritual patrimony treasured by Christian and Jews is itself the source of the wisdom and inspiration capable of guiding us toward a future of hope
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “In the years following the Council, my predecessors Pope Paul VI and, in a particular way, Pope John Paul II, took significant steps towards improving relations with the Jewish people. I ...
9 June 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI delivers important address on the Family to open Rome’s diocesan Ecclesial Congress (part III) “We must not only strive to overcome relativism in our work of forming people, we are also called to counter its destructive predominance in society and culture.”
Rome (Fides Service) - We give the third and last part of Pope Benedict XVI’s important address on the Family delivered in St John’s Basilica Cathedral on 6 June to open Rome’s diocesan Ecclesial Congress on the su ...
8 June 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI delivers important address on the Family to open Rome’s diocesan Ecclesial Congress “the story of the love and union of a man and a woman in the covenant of matrimony is assumed by God as the symbol of the history of salvation”
Rome (Fides Service) - We give the second long excerpt of Pope Benedict XVI’s important address on the Family given at St John’s Basilica Cathedral on 6 June to open Rome’s diocesan Ecclesial Congress on the subje ...
8 June 2005
VATICAN - At his general audience the Pope teaches on Psalm 110: “Prayer is contemplation of the mystery of God and the marvels he works in the history of salvation”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In Psalm 110, a hymn of praise and thanksgiving we find many words that “describe God and his attributes and his work of salvation … prayer is therefore contemplation of the mystery of ...
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