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7 July 2005
VATICAN - “The Eucharist: source and summit of the life and mission of the Church” Working paper for 11th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October presented today
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Today at the Holy See Press Office the Instrumentum laboris for the 11th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to be held in the Vatican 2-23 October next, on the theme ‘The Euchariast ...
6 July 2005
VATICAN - At the general audience the Pope recalled that “predestination” to be children of God “implicates brotherhood with Christ, the Son par excellence and an attitude of intimacy with the heavenly Father whom we may invoke as Abba, “dearest father’
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Canticle “God our Saviour” (cfr Eph 1,3-10), vespers Monday week 3 (reading: Eph 1,3.7-8), was the subject of the teaching given by Pope Benedict XVI during the general audience this mo ...
4 July 2005
VATICAN - Vietnam’s Government Commission for Religious Affairs ends 6 day visit to the Holy See
Vatican City (Fides Service) - A delegation from the Vietnamese government’s Commission for Religious Affairs concluded a 6 day visit to the Holy See on Saturday 2 July. The delegation was led by the director of the Co ...
4 July 2005
VATICAN - The Pope addresses the Bishops of Zimbabwe: “In your preaching and teaching the faithful should be able to hear the voice of the Lord himself, a voice that speaks with authority of what is right and true, of peace and justice, of love and reconciliation”
Vatican City (Fides) - “May your pilgrimage to the Tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and this meeting with Peter’s Successor, be for all of you an incentive to ever greater unity in the cause of the Gospel and th ...
4 July 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI underscores the necessity for the “entire Catholic community to proclaim, teach and witness the entire truth of Catholic faith, doctrine and morals in a unanimous and harmonious manner”. The Pope also said he hoped the imminent G-8 meeting would adopt concrete measures to eradicate poverty and promote authentic development for Africa
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Dear brothers and sisters how necessary it is today at the dawn of the thrid millennium for the entire Catholic community to proclaim, teach and witness to the entire truth of Catholic f ...
4 July 2005
VATICAN - Message from Benedict XVI to the Make Poverty History march in Edinburgh in view of the G8 meeting: “people living in the world’s richest nations should be ready to accept the burden of the reduction of debts for highly indebted countries and urge their leaders to honour commitments taken to reduce poverty in the world, particularly in Africa”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI through Cardinal Angelo Sodano, his Secretary of State, sent a message to the Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Cardinal Keith Patrick O’Brien, on th ...
28 June 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI consigns the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “The Compendium is a new announcement of the Gospel … may it give new impulse to evangelisation and catechesis”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning in the Clementine Hall, Benedict XVI presided at a brief liturgical celebration for the official presentation of the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. During ...
28 June 2005
VATICAN - This evening in the cathedral of Rome, St John’s Basilica, solemn opening of the Cause for the beatification and canonisation of Pope John Paul II
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This evening at 7pm in the cathedral of Rome, St John’s Basilica, there will be the solemn opening of the Cause to investigate the life, virtues and fame of holiness of the Servant of Go ...
27 June 2005
VATICAN - The Pope tells Bishops of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands: “be courageous witnesses to Christ, vigilant in seeking new ways to teach the faith so that the power of the Gospel can permeate their way of thinking, standards of judgement, and norms of behaviour”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Jesus Christ continues to draw the peoples of your two island nations to a still deeper faith and life in him. As Bishops you respond to his voice by asking how the Church can become an ...
27 June 2005
VATICAN - In the imminence of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul the Pope asks Our Lady Queen of the Apostles to watch over ‘the Church and her missionary activity all over the world’ and he encourages people to respect and protect life “also with correct and prudent behaviour on the roads”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Before reciting the Angelus prayer with pilgrims gathered in St Peter’s Square on Sunday 26 June, Pope Benedict XVI mentioned the imminent feast of Saint Peter and Paul: “We will soon c ...
23 June 2005
VATICAN - Living Sunday Liturgy in a spirit of mission: ideas for a “Missionary Comment for Sunday Liturgy” at CIAM web site
Vatican City (Fides) - CIAM (International Centre for Missionary Animation) based in Rome near St Peter’s offers priests, religious and laity a series of reflections on Sunday Liturgy in a missionary spirit. These text ...
23 June 2005
VATICAN - Cardinal Sodano to confer solemn Blessing on new Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of St Paul in Rome(Basilica of St Paul’s outside-the-walls)
Rome (Fides Service) - Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Pope’s secretary of state will confer the solemn Blessing on Abbot Edmund Power OSB newly appointed Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of St Paul today 23 June during a s ...
22 June 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI ‘deeply saddened’ by the death of Cardinal Jaime Sin Archbishop emeritus of Manila: Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples sends condolences
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI expressed his grief for the death of Cardinal Jaime Sin Archbishop emeritus of Manila who died in the early morning of 21 June. In a telegramme of sympathy ...
22 June 2005
VATICAN - The Pope comments on Psalm 123: “The Almighty sides with victims and the persecuted who cry to him day and night” - the Pope confirms convocation of 2nd Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Africa
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Psalm 123 “is a hymn of thanksgiving raised by the whole community of worshippers who praise God for the gift of liberation … a hymn to thank the Lord for escaped dangers and to implore ...
21 June 2005
VATICAN - Holy See press office announces that Pope Benedict XVI will travel to Köln (Germany) for the 20th World Youth Day
Vatican City (Fides Service) - It has been officially announced today that the Holy Father, Benedict XVI will travel to Cologne, Germany from August 18 to 21 on the occasion of the 20th World Youth Day. The Pope will dep ...
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