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5 September 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI calls the entire Church to be involved in preparation for the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist “with prayer and reflection, giving value to every opportunity, event and meeting”. He also has a special word for hurrican victims in the United States and people in Iraq
Castel Gandolfo (Fides Service) - In his reflection before the Angelus prayer on Sunday 4 September Pope Benedict XVI called the entire Church to feel involved in preparation for the Synod of Bishops 2-23 October on the ...
2 September 2005
VATICAN - Cardinal Sepe presides ordination of new Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait: “the duty to proclaim the Gospel belongs in a special way to the bishop who assumes it as a primary duty on the day of his Ordination”.
Kuwait City (Agenzia Fides) - “I turn to you dear Father Camillo, and I wish to thank you for having accepted the Holy Father’s decision in faith - in Verbo Tuo - as your motto indicates, and for wanting to be ordain ...
1 September 2005
VATICAN - «Sacred Scripture in the life of the Church»: International Congress on 40th anniversary of the promulgation of «Dei Verbum» Constitution by Vatican II
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Over 400 participants from 98 different countries including about a hundred cardinals and bishops, will gather in Rome 14 to 18 September at the Aurelia Convention Centre for an Internation ...
31 August 2005
VATICAN - “A sound society is the result certainly of commitment from all its members, but it needs the blessing and help of God who, unfortunately, is instead often excluded or ignored”: the Pope’s teaching at the general audience
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Psalm 126, “Without the Lord, all our efforts will ultimately fail”(vespers Wednesday week 3), was the subject of the teaching given by Pope Benedict XVI during the weekly Wednesday aud ...
29 August 2005
VATICAN - Mgr Giuseppe Cavallotto Rector of the Pontifical Urban University appointed Bishop of Cuneo and Fossano
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Holy Father, Pope Benedixt XVI has appointed Bisahop of the dioceses of Cuneo and Fossano (Italy), united “in the person of the bishop”, Mgr Giuseppe Cavallotto a member of the cl ...
29 August 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI underlines a fundamental fact for evangelisation: “Wherever God is not given first place and recognised and adored as the supreme Being, the dignity of the human person is in danger. Therefore it is urgent to lead men and women of today to ‘discover’ the authentic face of God who has revealed himself to us in Jesus Christ”.
Castel Gandolfo (Fides Service) - “A wonderful Church experience, a providential event of grace for the whole Church”: this was how Pope Benedict XVI described the recent 20th World Youth Day event in Germany. He was ...
25 July 2005
VATICAN - At the Angelus the Pope said he prays that 'the new generations drawing vital life blood from Christ may be leaven of a renewed humanism in European societies' and with regard to terrorist attacks he invoked Almighty God 'to stop the murderous hand of those who moved by fanaticism and hatred committed these acts and to convert their hearts'
Les Combes (Fides Service) - Christianity’s role in building Europe and the recent terrorist attacks in various parts of the world were the subject of Pope Benedict XVI’s brief reflection before the midday Angelus pr ...
20 July 2005
VATICAN - Released today official programme of Pope Benedict XVI’s apostolic journey to Germany for the 20th World Youth Day
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The programme of Pope Benedict XVI’s four day apostolic journey 18 to 21 August, to Cologne in Germany for the 20th World Youth Day was released today at the Holy See press office. The Po ...
18 July 2005
VATICAN - Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples remembers Bishop Locati and his “diligent and tireless missionary activity”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In a telegramme addressed to the Archbisop Enrico Masseroni of Vercelli after the tragic assassination of Bishop Luigi Locati Vicar Apostlic of Isiolo in Kenya, originally from Vercelli, C ...
18 July 2005
VATICAN - The Pope’s Angelus from his holiday residence in Valle d’Aosta: In contact with nature we rediscover the right dimension, we realise that each one of us is a creature, small but unique … in the world around us we see signs of God’s goodness and providence and almost naturally we are moved to praise God and to pray
Les Combes (Fides Service) - On Sunday 17 July Pope Benedict XVI from Les Combes in Valle d’Aosta where he is staying for a short period of rest led the recitation of the midday Angelus prayer with people gathered in f ...
18 July 2005
VATICAN - The Pope offers sincere condolences to the clergy and faithful of Isiolo after the assassination of the Vicar apostolic and expresses gratitude for the Bishop’s life of witness in telegrammes to the Papal Nuncio in Kenya and the Archbishop of Vercelli
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On behalf of Pope Benedict XVI Cardinal Angelo Sodano Holy See secretary of state addressed a telegramme to the Papal Nuncio in Kenya Archbishop Alain Lebeaupin in which he said the Holy Fa ...
14 July 2005
VATICAN - From 20 to 24 July in Lima Populorum Progressio foundation administrative council meeting to approve 200 projects for education, farming and small business development
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of Populorum Progressio foundation and of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum will be in Lima, Peru, from July 20 to 24 for the annual meeting of the fou ...
11 July 2005
VATICAN - unite forces to inform, educate and act: 1st International Meeting for Pastoral Care and Liberation of Street Women issues final statement
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Include questions concerning sexual exploitation, trafficking and smuggling of human persons among matters discussed during Bishops’ ad limina visits; promote in schools and parishes prog ...
11 July 2005
VATICAN - At the Angelus prayer the Pope mentions the feast day of St Benedict and the terrorist attacks on London: “We pray for the dead and the injured and their loved ones. But we also pray for the attackers... God loves life which he created, not death. In the name of God, stop!”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On 10 July Pope Benedict XVI dedicated his Sunday Angelus address to reflection on Saint Benedict Abbot, patron of Europe whose feast day is celebrated on July 11 and he also asked people t ...
8 July 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI expresses deep grief for the victims of terrorist attacks in central London
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Pope Bendedict XVI sent Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor a message of condolence for the people of Great Britain following the bomb explosions in central London yesterday. Here is the text ...
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