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10 November 2005
VATICAN - Sunday in St Peter’s beatification of Charles de Foucauld, Maria Pia Mastena and Maria Crocifissa Curcio
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At 9.30 a.m. on Sunday, November 13, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins C.M.F., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, will preside at a Eucharistic celebration in the Vatican Bas ...
9 November 2005
VATICAN - Sequela Christi: new magazine launched by Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life recently published the first issue of its new magazine Sequela Christi which replaces the bulletin Inform ...
9 November 2005
VATICAN - “God does not appear in the Bible as an immovable and implacable sovereign or some obscure and indecipherable being...he reveals himself as a person who loves his creatures, watches over them and follows their progress in history”: Pope Benedict XVI teaches on Psalm 135
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Part one of psalm 135 as it is divided in the liturgy of Vespers is called «the great Hallel», that is the great and solemn praise sung by Judaism during the paschal liturgy. Dwelling in ...
7 November 2005
VATICAN - “Like Mary, may the Church be a docile handmaid of God’s word proclaiming it with ever firmer trust”: in his Angelus reflection Pope Benedict XVI recalls the 40th anniversary of the Dei Verbum Constitution issued by the Second Vatican Council
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In his Angelus reflection on Sunday 6 November when he addressed people gathered in St Peter’s square to receive his Blessing, Pope Benedict XVI recalled the 40th anniversary of the Dei V ...
5 November 2005
VATICAN - Sunday 6 November in Vicenza beatification of Eurosia Fabris: an example for Chirstian mothers and a model of ‘domestic church’ possible for all families
Vicenza (Fides Service) - On Sunday 6 November at 4pm in the cathedral of Vicenza in northern Italy, with the approval of Pope Benedict XVI the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints Cardinal José Saraiva ...
3 November 2005
VATICAN - The Pope’s teaching at the general Wednesday audience 2 November: “Illuminated by faith we look at the human enigma of death with serenity and hope...more than an end, it is a new birth”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - During his general audience in St Peter’s Square on 2 November, Pope Benedict XVI explained the meaning of psalm 111 (“Blessed is the just man” - Second Vespers Sunday week four; Ps 1 ...
3 November 2005
VATICAN - “To become a saint means to become fully what we are, elevated in Jesus Christ to the dignity of adoptive sons and daughters of God” Pope Benedict XVI recalls on November 1 at the midday Angelus prayer
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The solemnity of All Saints “gives us a taste of the joy of belonging to the great family of the friends of God” Pope Benedict XVI said before reciting the Angelus prayer with people ga ...
31 October 2005
VATICAN - “For us, these new Blessed are living examples of priestly identity and religious consecration," he concluded. "Let us give thanks to God for the great gift of these heroic witnesses of the faith”, Pope Benedict XVI said in St Peter’s Basilica after the solemn Beatification of Spanish martyrs Rev. Josep Tàpies and Companions and Sr María de los Ángeles Ginard Martí
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In the early evening of Saturday 29 October Pope Benedict XVI went down to St Peter’s Basilica to address to those gathered there for the beatification of a group of Spanish martyrs. In h ...
31 October 2005
VATICAN - At the Angelus prayer Pope Benedict XVI says the spirit of the Second Vatican Council must be kept alive “to contribute towards installing in the world the universal brotherhood which is God’s will for humanity” and makes another appeal to help earthquake victims in Kashmir
Vatican City (Fides Service) - In his address on Sunday 30th October before the midday Angelus Pope Benedict XVI warmly invited the crowds in St Peter’s Square to reread the documents issued by the Second Vatican Counc ...
28 October 2005
VATICAN - "Migrations, sign of the times” is the title of a Message issued by Pope Benedict XVI for the 92nd World Day For Migrants and Refugees to be marked on 15 January 2006
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Migrations, sign of the time” is the theme of Holy Father's Message for the 92nd World Day of Migrants and Refugees which will be celebrated on January 15, 2006, made public today. The ...
28 October 2005
VATICAN - Benedict XVI sends message for 40th anniversary of Vatican II Declaration Nostra aetate: “May Christians and Jews offer an ever more compelling shared witness to the One God and his commandments”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Conciliar Declaration Nostra aetate, promulgated by Pope Paul VI forty years ago, “opened a new era of relations with the Jewish People and offered the foundations for sincere theolog ...
27 October 2005
VATICAN - “Diwali and Ramadan feasts, anniversary of Nostra Aetate, solidarity on the occasion of natural disasters: opportunities for the Catholic Church to strengthen dialogue with believers of other religions” Mgr Felix Machado, under-secretary of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Today’s world, despite situations of conflict, violence and fear, there are many opportunities to promote dialogue and brotherhood among peoples of different cultures and religions. This ...
26 October 2005
VATICAN - Pope Benedict XVI’s teaching at the Wednesday general audience: “The plan of salvation is totally fulfilled in the Son, and the faithful are invited - especially in the liturgy - to proclaim it and to reap its fruits."
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At the general audience this morning held in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI welcomed a crowd of about 50,000 visitors. In his teaching the Pope speak on the subject ...
26 October 2005
VATICAN - "Hindus and Christians in solidarity" Pontifical Council for inter-religious dialogue sends annual Message to Hindus for Diwali Feast 2005
Vatican City (Fides Service) - On the occasion of the annual Hindu feast Diwali 2005, which celebrates light, goodness, reconciliation, peace, harmony and happiness, and which many Hindus will start on 1 November, the Po ...
24 October 2005
VATICAN - On World Mission Sunday Pope Benedict XVI closes the Year of the Eucharist and the Synod of Bishops with the canonisation of five new saints: “the Eucharist is the source of holiness and spiritual nourishment for our mission in the world”. Brotherly greetings to the Bishops of the Church in China
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “On this 30th Sunday in ordinary time... the Year of the Eucharist and the Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dedicated precisely to the mystery of the Eucharist in the Church’s ...
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