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22 February 2005
VATICAN - “Do not be afraid of new technologies!! Do not be afraid of being opposed by the world!...Do not be afraid even of your own weakness and inadequacy!” Pope John Paul II addresses Apostolic Letter “The Rapid Development” to media operators
Vatican City (Fides Service) - More than forty years after the publication of the Conciliar Decree “Inter mirifica”, seeing the rapid development of technology in the field of the mass media, it is opportune to refle ...
21 February 2005
VATICAN - The Pope’s reflection at the Angelus prayer: “The Petrine ministry is essentially at the service of the unity of the Church… To Jesus the Good Shepherd I entrust to whole People of God on this Lenten journey towards Easter”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Yesterday, 20 February 2nd Sunday of Lent, Pope John Paul II appeared as usual at his study to recite the Angelus prayer with thousands of people gathered in St Peter’s Square to receive ...
18 February 2005
VATICAN - “Quality of life and ethics of health salute, concepts of great importance and significance”: 11th general assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life
Vatican City (Fides Service) - ‘Quality of life and ethics of health’ is the theme chosen for the annual general assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life in the Vatican 21-23 February 2005 at the New Synod Hall, p ...
18 February 2005
VATICAN - Letter from Cardinal Angelo Sodano to President of the John Paul II Foundation for the Sahel: “Twenty five years later we see the fruits of this providential institution and the aid which thanks to it was distributed to the peoples in the Sahel”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Twenty five years ago in Ouagadougou on 10 May 1980, Pope John Paul II launched a solemn appeal to help the people suffering the consequences of drought and progressive desertification of t ...
18 February 2005
VATICAN - Special Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament tomorrow in St Peter’s Basilica to conclude annual retreat made by the Pope and the Roman Curia; all Vatican City employees warmly invited to take part
Vatican City (Fides Service) - By way of conclusion to the annual week of spiritual exercises the Roman Curia will gather for a special Mass followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction, tomorrow 19 F ...
14 February 2005
VATICAN - The Pope’s Angelus reflection: “We cannot enter eternal life unless we carry our cross united with Christ. We cannot obtain happiness and peace without facing with courage the interior battle”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Yesterday, 1st Sunday of Lent, Pope John Paul II was back once again at the window of his study in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican to recite the Angelus prayer with people gathered in S ...
3 February 2005
VATICAN - Cardinal Sepe blesses new tabernacle in refurbished Foyer Paul VI chapel. On the Day for Consecrated Life nuns renew their vows : “The call to religious life is like light kindled in our heart. A light we must carry to all peoples”
Vatican (Fides Service) - “The feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple is a presentation of the Messiah to the nations. God makes himself known to all peoples. He is the light which illuminates the darkness. T ...
2 February 2005
VATICAN - Cardinal Sepe presides Mass in St Peter’s Basilica with Friars Minor from the Far East: “With the same faith as St Peter go and proclaim the Lord to your brothers and sisters in Asia. Be light with your life witness, be bearers of Christ’s love and charity for all humanity”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple is God’s presentation to the nations. Christ is the light of all nations, all peoples and so before ascending to heaven he sent his ...
31 January 2005
VATICAN - “Parishes, oratories, associations, church movements and groups must become privileged places for pedagogy of peace and love”: the Pope’s Angelus reflection. Appeal to the international community to eradicate the social scourge of leprosy
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Even little children can be builders of peace!” the Pope said yesterday during his Angelus reflection as he addressed thousands of children belonging to Catholic Action in Italy gather ...
31 January 2005
VATICAN - Presented to the Pope new edition of the “Guida delle Missioni Cattoliche 2005”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, presented the new edition of “Guida delle Missioni Cattoliche 2005” to Pope John P ...
27 January 2005
VATICAN - “Dear brothers and sisters, during Lent, aided by the Word of God, let us reflect upon how important it is that each community accompany with loving understanding those who grow old.” The Pope’s message for Lent 2005 focuses on the elderly: a resource to be valued in society and in the Church
“It is necessary to raise the awareness in public opinion that the elderly represent, in any case, a resource to be valued. For this reason, economic support and legislative initiatives, which allow them not to be excl ...
22 January 2005
VATICAN - The Pope appoints new secretary adjunct of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, President of the Pontifical Mission Societies
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, on 22 January 2005, has appointed secretary adjunct of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples and President of the Pontifical Mission Societ ...
19 January 2005
VATICAN - Special ecumenical vespers during this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at the ancient Basilica built over the tomb of St Paul the apostle of the nations
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is held from January 18 to 25 January the feast of the Conversion of St Paul the apostle of the nations. In recent decades in Rome it became a ...
19 January 2005
VATICAN - “The pain of separation is ever more intensely felt in the face of the challenges of a world waiting for clear and unanimous witness of the Gospel from all believers in Christ” the Pope said at the general audience during this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Vatican City (Fides Service) - During his general weekly audience this morning in the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican, Pope John Paul II reflected on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which has just started. “These da ...
18 January 2005
VATICAN - Relief for the release of Catholic Archbishop of Mossul: “The Pope was informed immediately of the news and thanked God for the happy outcome of the incident ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Director of the Holy See Press Office Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls released this statement this morning: “The news of the release of Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa of Mossul in Iraq ...
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