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29 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope launches an appeal for seaquake victims in South Asia: “I urge believers and all men and women of good will to contribute generously to the major operation of solidarity for these peoples so tragically stricken and now exposed to the risk of epidemics of disease”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - At the end of his weekly General Audience this morning Pope John Paul II launched the following appeal in Italian : “News from Asia continue to reveals the vastness of the immense cata ...
28 December 2004
VATICAN - Message of Solidarity to the peoples affected by seaquake disaster: Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The entire Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples shares the tragedy of this disaster, the pain and suffering of those people and its first action is prayer. Through local churches ...
23 December 2004
VATICAN - Viewers in 72 countries will see Midnight Mass in St Peter’s presided by Pope John Paul II
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The traditional Midnight Mass tomorrow 24 December presided in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome by Pope John Paul II starting from 12pm, will be broadcast live via 111 different broadcasting c ...
22 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s teaching at the general audience: “In the Mystery of Christmas we contemplate a ‘leap in quality’ in the history of salvation. Although our sin has separated us from God, in Christ we are offered the gift of a new and fuller communion with Him”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “At Christmas we will contemplate the great mystery of God made man and born of the Virgin Mary. He is born in Bethlehem to share our fragile human condition! He comes to live amongst us ...
21 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope exchanges Christmas greetings with the Curia: “Let us be ever more aware that communion with God and unity among men, beginning with believers, is our priority commitment”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Thank you for your presence and for the affection with which you surround my person. As the years pass the need for the help of God and of others makes itself ever more keenly felt. Than ...
20 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s reflection at the Angelus prayer: “May Mary help us to live Christmas as an opportunity to savour the joy of giving ourselves to others, the needy in particular”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “The festivity of Christmas, perhaps the most loved by popular tradition, is rich in symbols connected with different cultures. The most important is certainly the Nativity Scene as I sai ...
17 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope addresses circus artists and funfair people: “You have a singular example to offer as the Church which prays, listens, announces and builds brotherhood”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “You live among people of every social group with your performances and spectacles and activity. Doing this you offer concrete opportunities for gathering and bring different generations ...
16 December 2004
VATICAN - Papal Message for World Peace Day 2005: “peace is the outcome of a long and demanding battle which is only won when evil is defeated by good”. The Pope refers to some of the many delicate problems which are obstacles to Africa’s development
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “If we consider the tragic scenario of violent fratricidal conflicts in different parts of the world, and the untold sufferings and injustices to which they have given rise, the only trul ...
15 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope teaches on Psalm 71 during his weekly audience: “the decisive element to recognise the figure of the Messiah King is above all justice and love for the poor”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - This morning, 15 December the Pope held his Wednesday audience in two stages, first in St Peter’s where he received students and other young people from different regions of Italy and the ...
15 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope presides annual Mass for university students in preparation for Christmas: “It is possible to discover the whole truth about mankind, the truth about ourselves only through the loving eyes of Christ ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “You, dear university students are continually searching for the truth. But the truth about mankind cannot be reached only with the means offered by science in its diverse disciplines. Yo ...
13 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope’s reflection at the Angelus prayer: “A Nativity Scene is a familiar and expressive representation of Christmas. It is an element of Christian culture and art but above all a sign of faith in God who came ‘to dwell among us’ in Bethlehem”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - Yesterday, 3rd Sunday of Advent, at the Angelus prayer Pope John Paul II blessed statues of Baby Jesus which children had brought for the occasion and he spoke of Nativity Scenes at home an ...
10 December 2004
VATICAN - “There is a need for dialogue between people of different cultures in a context of pluralism that goes beyond mere tolerance ”: Papal Message for 91st World Migrants Day
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “Contact with others leads to discovering their "secret", to being open to them in order to welcome their valid aspects and thus contribute to knowing each one better. This is a lengthy p ...
9 December 2004
VATICAN - The Pope prays at the feet of the statue of Immaculate Mary in piazza di Spagna: “Immaculate Mary help us to build a world where human life is loved and protected, all form of violence is banned, peace is tenaciously sought after by all”
Vatican City(Agenzia Fides) - In the afternoon of 8 December, feast of the Immaculate Conception, Pope John Paul II made his now traditional visit to Piazza di Spagna (for the 27th time) to pay homage to the statue of Im ...
9 December 2004
VATICAN - “The Immaculate Conception, beacon of light for humanity of every epoch, illuminates especially the path of the Church committed to new evangelisation” the Pope said at the Angelus prayer. He also launched an appeal that the “beloved people of Iraq may at last experience times of reconciliation and peace ”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - The Pope spoke again in his reflection before the Angelus prayer from his study window at midday about the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception 150 years ago by Blessed Po ...
9 December 2004
VATICAN - In his homily on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception the Pope said: “To you, Immaculate Virgin Mary, predestined by God above every other creature to be advocate of grace and model of holiness for His people, today I renew in a special way the entrustment of the entire Church”
Vatican City (Fides Service) - “To you, Immaculate Virgin Mary, predestined by God above every other creature to be advocate of grace and model of holiness for His people, today I renew in a special way the entrustment ...
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