VATICAN - “The pain of separation is ever more intensely felt in the face of the challenges of a world waiting for clear and unanimous witness of the Gospel from all believers in Christ” the Pope said at the general audience during this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Wednesday, 19 January 2005

Vatican City (Fides Service) - During his general weekly audience this morning in the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican, Pope John Paul II reflected on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which has just started. “These days of reflection and prayer are more than ever opportune to remind Christians that the task of re-establishing the full unity among themselves, as willed by Jesus, involves all the baptised person, clergy and laity” the Pope said in his address underlining that this year the Week falls a few months since the fortieth anniversary of the Decree Unitatis redintegratio issued (21 November 1964) by the Second Vatican Council “a key text which put the Catholic Church irrevocably and firmly in the wake of the ecumenical movement”.
The theme chosen for this year “confronts us with a basic truth for all ecumenical activity, that Christ is the foundation of the Church” the Pope said recalling that today the longing for unity touches new areas and contexts, prompting action, initiatives, reflection, contact. “The pain of separation is ever more intensely felt in the face of the challenges of a world waiting for clear and unanimous witness of the Gospel from all believers in Christ”. Lastly the Pope recalled that as customary in Rome the Week for Unity will close with a solemn ecumenical celebration of Vespers at the Basilica of St Paul’s outside the walls on Monday 25 January feast of the Conversion of St Paul: “I thank Cardinal Walter Kasper who will represent me at that liturgical gathering at which representatives of other Christian Churches and Confessions will take part. I will be united in spirit and I ask you to pray that the whole family of believers may soon be in full communion as Christ desires.” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 19/1/2005 righe 19, parole 288)
