15 July 2011
AMERICA /UNITED STATES-Forgiveness and reconciliation are essential for durable peace in South Sudan and for the entire region
New York City (Fides Service) - "Just days after the July 9 inauguration of the Republic of South Sudan, the new state was admitted as a Member State in the UN by acclamation of the General Assembly. The Delegation of th ...
15 July 2011
AMERICA/PERU '- "Center for Studies and integral human development" becomes a reality: the inauguration on July 19
Arequipa (Agenzia Fides) - After ten months of uninterrupted work, on Tuesday, July 19 at 11:30am the first phase of the "Centre for Studies and integral human development (CSIHD) - New Arequipa" will begin, an initiat ...
14 July 2011
AMERICA/BRAZIL-First meeting of the Jesuit brothers: vocation and formation in relation to the mission in Latin America
St. Paul (Agenzia Fides) - From July 16 to 29, the first seminar for the Coadjutor Brothers of Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by the National Commission of Jesuit Brothers in Brazil, with the support of the B ...
14 July 2011
AMERICA/UNITED STATES-World Population Day: 7 billion people around the world within October
New York City (Fides Service) - World Population Day will be celebrated next week. According to the United Nations Organization (UNO), in October, the number of inhabitants of the planet will reach 7 billion. The statist ...
13 July 2011
AMERICA/MEXICO-More than 4000 operators engaged in pastoral work in prisons, an increasingly difficult mission
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - The Pastoral of the Mexican Episcopal Conference (EMC) prisons has announced that the work of the representatives of the Catholic Church in prisons is increasingly difficult for the situatio ...
13 July 2011
AMERICA/CHILE-The Church of Santiago celebrates 450 years in the service of the community
Santiago, Chile (Agenzia Fides) - "Christ ayer, hoy y siempre" is the motto with which the Church of Santiago, created as a diocese in 1561 by Pope Pius IV, celebrated her 450 years of life. The Archbishop of Santiago, H ...
13 July 2011
AMERICA/PUERTO RICO-Confirmation of the National Director of Pontifical Mission Societies
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 17 March 2011, Archbishop Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, confirmed Rev. Fr. Jose Orlando Camacho Torres, CSSp as National Director of th ...
13 July 2011
AMERICA/PARAGUAY-The religious study the reality of the country
Asuncion (Agenzia Fides) - The Conference of the Religious of Paraguay is celebrating its institutional assembly which has programmed an analysis of the national and ecclesial realities. In fact, this meeting will addres ...
12 July 2011
AMERICA/MEXICO-The VII World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Tourism in Mexico, where 22 million tourists arrived in 2010
Cancun (Agenzia Fides) - The Vatican will have the full support of the Mexican authorities for the realization of the VII World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Tourism to be held from 23 to 27 April 2012, assured the Am ...
12 July 2011
AMERICA/EL SALVADOR-Church's appeal to stop violence: killed 77 students killed and 114 murders committed on public transport
San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church in El Salvador asks to join the security situation due to the insecurity the country is living and facing and considers very serious the fact that authorities and leader ...
11 July 2011
AMERICA/PANAMA-"There seems to be a divorce between the interests of the political class and the concrete needs of the Panamanian people", say the Bishops in their message
Panama City (Fides Service) - At the end of the 192 Plenary Meeting of the Episcopal Conference of Panama (see Fides 07/07/2011), the Bishops issued a document, also sent to Fides, divided into two distinct parts: the ec ...
11 July 2011
AMERICA/CHILE-The image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Missionary on Easter Island
Santiago, Chile (Agenzia Fides) - The missionary image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, donated by the Holy Father to Chile, will travel 4,000 km to complete its journey across the continental country and island: the news wa ...
9 July 2011
AMERICA/PERU-More than 500 Disciples and Missionaries of Callao ready for the second "operation contact"
Callao (Agenzia Fides) - From 11th to 16th July, the schools deanery of the Christ Liberador parish school will hold a training Course for Missionaries in the chapel of "Immaculate Heart of Mary" in Callao, city and port ...
9 July 2011
AMERICA/COLOMBIA-"Laicos por Colombia" celebrates 20 years of commitment to peace and life
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - The movement "Laicos por Colombia" (Laity for Colombia) is celebrating today, July 9th, the 20th anniversary of its foundation. The Eucharistic celebration that recalls the anniversary will be pr ...
9 July 2011
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - A new Center for the dental care of children
Humocaro (Fides Service) - A new children's dental center was recently inaugurated in Humocaro, a rural area in the state of Lara, Venezuela, where very humble people live. The new center was dedicated to the memory of M ...
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