AMERICA/BRAZIL-First meeting of the Jesuit brothers: vocation and formation in relation to the mission in Latin America

Thursday, 14 July 2011

St. Paul (Agenzia Fides) - From July 16 to 29, the first seminar for the Coadjutor Brothers of Latin America and the Caribbean, organized by the National Commission of Jesuit Brothers in Brazil, with the support of the Brazilian Provincials and the CPAL (the Conference of Provincials of Latin America) will be held at the pastoral center of Santa Fe in San Paulo. According to information sent to Fides by the General Curia of the Jesuits, about 80 Brothers in the whole Latin American continent will take part and will be centered on the identity of the vocation of the Brother in the priestly body of the Society of Jesus. The meeting is referred to the last national seminar of the Brothers of Brazil, held in Salvador di Bahia in January 2009, which had expressed "the need for better organization, an exchange of experience and an intense period of cohabitation between the Latin-American brothers".
"The overall objective – states Fr. Orlando Torres, Counselor to the Father General for formation- is to provide a Latin American space in order to share experiences and dreams and discuss new proposals for the formation of the Brothers of the Society in relation to the mission in Latin America, taking into account at the same time, the universality of our vocation and mission, following the invitation of the Father General on the occasion of the Priest’s Year, to reflect on the lives of the Brothers in the Priestly body of the Society". And in the letter of invitation by the National Commission of the Brothers, we read: "The theme of the seminar will be a reflection on the motivations of our vocation and on the option of being consecrated. The theme is divided into three parts: 1) the historical context ( Fr. Victor Codina); 2) the theological context (Fr. João Batista Libanius); 3) the apostolic context (Fr. Ernest Cavassa). At the end of the day of study and reflection there will be a spiritual Triduum accompanied by Fr. Orlando Torres. "(SL) (Agenzia Fides 14/07/2011)
