AMERICA /UNITED STATES-Forgiveness and reconciliation are essential for durable peace in South Sudan and for the entire region

Friday, 15 July 2011

New York City (Fides Service) - "Just days after the July 9 inauguration of the Republic of South Sudan, the new state was admitted as a Member State in the UN by acclamation of the General Assembly. The Delegation of the Holy See, led by Archbishop Francis Chullikatt, was in attendance and echoed the congratulations and best wishes of the Holy Father". This is what the statement issued by the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations said, a copy of which was sent to Fides.
"On the occasion of the inauguration of the new State of South Sudan, Pope Benedict XVI invoked the Almighty’s abundant blessings on the people and government of the new nation and wished that may advance in the path of peace, freedom and development" the text continues, pointing out that in South Sudan, there is a notable presence of Catholics and the Church has always been very active in the process of national reconciliation, as well as in development activities. "The most urgent need of the new state is setting the refugees, migrants and internally displaced citizens moving from other parts of the country, estimated to be around 300,000. Church organizations like Misereor and Caritas are actively engaged in providing humanitarian assistance to the population. The local Church Hierarchy and the Regional Bishops Conference (AMECEA) together with numerous religious congregations, are active amidst the affected population. Fostering hope in the future and nurturing national reconciliation are fundamental as a way forward and Church leaders are engaged in this process".
The new nation is facing several problems, which include security for lives and property of citizens, keeping up good relations with the neighboring countries, improving the health standards, especially of those suffering from HIV / AIDS and other diseases, reinforcing the educational institutions and organizing a developmental agenda for the reconstruction of the whole country. "The path from civil war to democracy needs to be well disciplined and based on justice and truth. The long journey that has cost the lives of people, long sufferings, poverty and humiliations can become a walk of peace, liberty and development". The text concludes stressing that "the Church is engaged in underlining the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation, which are essential for durable peace, important not only for the new nation, but also for the entire region". (SL) (Agenzia Fides 07/15/2011)
