EUROPE/POLAND - The diaconate of communications as an instrument of evangelization and missionary action of the Church

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Warsaw (Fides Service) - "The mass media as an instrument of evangelization and the diaconate of social communications" was the theme of the meeting that was held on August 3 at the House of Light-Life Movement of the Archdiocese of Czestochowa. The meeting was attended by the young members of the Light-Life Movement. The argument was presented by Father Mariusz Frukacz editor of Catholic weekly 'Niedziela' and a member of the Pontifical Missionary Union.
"The mass media are an important tool for today's missionary , evangelization and pastoral work" underlined Don Frukacz.
The editor of the Catholic Weekly "Niedziela" recalled the words of Pope Paul VI in the Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii nunzianti", which states that the Church would feel guilty before the Lord if she did not use these powerful means, that human intelligence renders more refined every day. "Using these- stressed don Frukacz -the Church " preaches from the rooftops " to convey her message; and in them she finds a modern and effective version of the pulpit. Thanks to them she succeeds in speaking to the multitudes ".
"The Church, and especially the Light-Life Movement, needs a " diaconate of social communication ", that is to say, it must use the means of social communication for the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ" , concluded Don Frukacz. (MF) (Agenzia Fides 06/08/2011)
