News Analysis
30 November 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Drugs and drug addiction in Latin America: models of ecclesial community intervention
Latin America is the land of cocaine and marihuana. Colombia, Peru and Bolivia are the world's largest producers of cocaine, while the major marihuana crops are in Mexico and Paraguay (in addition to Peru and Bolivia). F ...
23 October 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Missionaries in Taiwan: "Like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants"
In Taiwan, more than the "mission of the Church", it is better to refer to it as "Church of the mission". In fact, in a place that is so "ignorant" to Christ, it is nearly impossible to consider the mission as something ...
7 September 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Franciscans among the nomads: the mission of the Church in Central Asia
"The very high mountains of the Tian Shan range, once also called the 'Alessandro mountains', which mark the present border between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, today bear witness to the greatness of the Itinerarium travel ...
10 August 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Latin America at the forefront in the "laboratory" of mission and urban pastoral care for large cities
Starting from the challenges that confront the action of the Church in the cities in this "change of epoch", Latin America is at the forefront in theological-pastoral reflection and in the proposals for urban pastoral ca ...
20 July 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Deep social and economic crisis in Haiti: how to get out of the serious situation?
Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) - Haitian people are experiencing a serious social and economic crisis with repercussions on people's psychology and their ability to hope for the future. This was reported to Agenzia Fides ...
6 July 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - The missio ad gentes in the Acts of the Apostles
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Since the outset of his magisterium, Pope Francis has repeatedly called our attention to the necessity to bring about a major missionary awakening based on the evangelical approach to the C ...
27 April 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - The Christians of Egypt, between discrimination and transformation
The history of the Christians of Egypt is very ancient. The Copts are in fact the heirs of the ancient Egyptians who converted to Christianity, starting from the first century, thanks to the preaching of St. Mark. Until ...
13 April 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Asia, a continent of martyrs
Martyrs are the seed from which the Church has flourished throughout the History of salvation and today their memory continue to guide the faithful wherever the Christian mission is challenged by hardships, injustices an ...
24 November 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA- Migrant caravans on the US border: the action of the Central American Church
Over 4,000 Central American migrants have arrived - and others are arriving - in Tijuana, on the border with the United States, after a long walk from their countries of origin. They are the first group of the three cara ...
12 November 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Human mobility and migration: a challenge for today's Christians
Fr. Delmar Alberto Silva Paez, Scalabrinian, Superior in the province of his congregation that includes Asia and Australia, at the conclusion of the General Chapter of his congregation helps to reflect on the phenomenon ...
22 September 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Venezuela: the Church defends freedom of information
While a very harsh report by Amnesty International on violence, the right to life and public security in Venezuela is being published and as the international community intensifies pressure on President Nicolás Maduro's ...
23 June 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - The Church in India welcomes migrants and refugees
The Church in India welcomes and is close to migrants and refugees, trying to remember and put into practice the message of Pope Francis who said: “Every stranger who knocks at our door is an opportunity for an encount ...
26 May 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Foreign debt in Africa: a sword of Damocles on millions of poor
The foreign debt that Sub-Saharan African Countries have accumulated over the past few years is an unresolved issue. After the great abolitionist campaign, promoted on the occasion of the Great Jubilee of 2000, there is ...
12 May 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Latin Catholics, root of faith in the United States
Latinos are a growing minority: their influence in the United States is extremely significant, because the great socio-cultural and religious wealth continues to shape all the social and existential dimensions of the Uni ...
21 April 2018
Middle East Christians are in serious danger. However to really understand this we must consider the context of the whole region. Sectarian division, the absence of authentic democracy, security, respect for civil righ ...
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