News Analysis
9 April 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - The "subtle enemies" of holiness
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The new Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis "Gaudete et exultate" on the "call to holiness in the contemporary world" was presented today at the Vatican. It is a document in five chapters ...
7 April 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Vietnam in motion, between emigration and evangelization
Society and the Vietnamese Church show remarkable initiative. The standard of living has greatly improved over the past two decades. There is much excitement in this very young society. And the Catholic community arouses ...
20 March 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Egypt to vote: "the strong man" al Sisi between radical Islam and religious freedom
"It is better to choose a person I know rather than a stranger. Thus says an Egyptian proverb. I am not a political scientist but, knowing the Egyptians a bit, I believe they will eventually choose Abdel Fattah al Sisi". ...
19 January 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Cardinal Hummes: "A model of development for the Amazon starting from the Gospel"
"The model of development that is being applied in the Amazon by governments, large public companies and private initiatives is damaging and devastating for the environment and for the indigenous peoples. The Church can ...
18 January 2018
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Francis in Peru, a polarized country and in need of reconciliation
Pope Francis' visit to Inca land comes at a critical and therefore providential moment. On the one hand there is the harsh reality of the victims of the north coast of Peru due to the devastation caused by the typhoon El ...
10 January 2018
AMERICA/CHILE - Executive secretary for the "Mapuche pastoral": we do not expect political solutions to our problems from the Pope
Temuco (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Mapuche are waiting for Pope Francis "to bless us, to strengthen our faith". They hope his homilies will favor "social peace". But they do not expect political solutions from him to ...
18 December 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Pakistan: protection and full citizenship for religious minorities
There is not only terrorist violence, gratuitous and destructive that affect religious minorities in Pakistan. The attack on the Methodist Church in Quetta brings to light the difficult condition of religious minorities ...
2 December 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Bangladesh: at the root of Islamist extremism
Shahab Enam Khan, professor of international relations at Jahangimagar University, Dhaka and member of the Enterprise Institute, has long studied radical Islamist movements. In a recent interview with Fides in his office ...
23 November 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Zimbabwe: Farewell to the "Old Elephant", the hope is democracy
Robert Mugabe, the "Old Elephant" of Zimbabwe, has left power. He ruled for 37 years and if it had been for him, he would have run for president again in 2018 and would have continued to rule. For how long? It is not kno ...
11 November 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Eritrea: a "North Korea of Africa"
«Eritrea is the country with less freedom in the world ». These words come not from someone who opposes president Isayas Afeworki or from the hated government of Ethiopia, instead they come from an official United Nati ...
7 November 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Tunisia: culture promotes interreligious dialogue
In Tunisia, culture plays a very important role in interreligious dialogue and mutual understanding and acceptance among different peoples and civilizations. This is what the director of the Bardo Museum in Tunis, Moncef ...
4 November 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Violence and insecurity in Venezuela
The nation is going through a deep crisis: it is ranked second among the most violent countries in the world, with over 91 violent deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. The State seems to have handed over the control of securi ...
28 October 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Uganda: listen to the voice of civil society to trace the future
To rewrite the Constitution to extend his political life and to remain the leader of the country that he has ruled for over 30 years. The attempt of 73-year-old Yoweri Kaguta Musuveni divides Uganda: on the one hand ther ...
21 October 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - A twenty-five year old Church: the challenges of Mission in Mongolia
The Catholic Church in Mongolia has just recently celebrated 25 years of its presence. The first Catholic community was founded in the capital Ulaanbaatar only in 1992, shortly after the Mongol government had initiated d ...
14 October 2017
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Central Africa, the strenuous search for peace, in the midst of violence
In the history of the Central African Republic, there is a "first" and "after" Pope Francis’ visit. The country ended up under the spotlight of the world media in November 2015 thanks to the Holy Father’s visit and t ...
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