AFRICA/CÔTE D'IVOIRE -Expectation with regard to new executive body after toxic waste ship scandal caused previous one to resign

Thursday, 7 September 2006

Abidjan (Agenzia Fides)- “Everyone is waiting to see whose in the next government, the list is due to be made public this afternoon” Fides learned from a Catholic source in Abidjan, economic capital of Côte d'Ivoire, where on 6 September popular protests against intoxication caused by illegal unloading of toxic waste caused the government to resign. At least three people, two of them children, have died and about 3,000 have been intoxicated in the past few days by tons of toxic waste unloaded at the port of Abidjan from a ship called the Brobo Koala flying a Panamian flag. Eyewitnesses say at least 19 trucks went back and forth from the ship for 30 hours, unloading 400 to 1,000 tons of waste in about ten square kilometres of densely populated into drains, pits, all over the place. Concordant voices say the waste came from Europe and the accompanying delivery note warned that the contents were ‘high risk waste’.
“There were days of protests” the source told Fides. “demonstrators were asking three things: why the ship rejected by other countries was allowed to unload its mortal cargo in Abidjan, where exactly the waste has been put (8 sites have been identified) and with what risks for the people and lastly, what measures are being taken to compensate the thousands of people affected”.
“Faced with growing protests” the source said “the government preferred to resign. The demonstrators accused some government members of underhand behaviour in the episode. Those targeted were the ministers of transport and healthcare and the manager of Abidjan port”.
“People are now waiting see whose in the new government and protests may continue. This crisis has heightened tension in Côte d'Ivoire already in a complicated situation” the sources say. On 5 September the leading politicians held a meeting in the capital Yamoussoukro to try to re-start the peace process but no agreement was reached (see Fides 6 September 2006). (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 7/9/2006 righe 32 parole 405)
