EUROPE/SPAIN - The country’s Bishops urge the people to pray for the nation at every Mass: “the country is living a crucial hour, especially under certain important aspects and we need the help of God, because without Him we can do nothing”

Wednesday, 5 July 2006

Toledo (Agenzia Fides) - "O God our Father we praise and thank you. You love and guide all nations, accompany our country’s steps at times difficult but filled with hope. Let us see signs of your presence and experience the power of your unfailing love.
Lord Jesus, Son of God and Saviour of the world, you became man born of the Virgin Mary, we believe in you and have faith in you. May your Gospel be light and strength for personal and social decisions. May your law of love guide our civil community on paths of justice and solidarity, reconciliation and peace, unity and freedom.
Holy Spirit, love of the Father and the Son, with confidence we call on you. You are the teacher of hearts, show us the thoughts and ways of God. Help us see human events through eyes which are pure and penetrating, to safeguard our people’s legacy of holiness and civilisation, and to convert our minds and hearts in order to build a new society.
Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, Queen of mercy, look down on your people, on this land “of Mary”. Come to our help, show Jesus to us. With you may the people of Spain live according to God’s will which is always for the best".
This prayer was issued by Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain who asked for to be recited before the final blessing at daily Masses all over the country. He also asked for the following special petition to be added to the prayers of the faithful: “We pray for Spain: that the nation’s democratic institutions and people may promote truth, freedom, justice and peace, unity, harmony and full recognition of the human rights of every person".
The Spanish Bishops’ Conference of Spain has also urged Catholics to pray for the country. The request was made in a final statement issued at the end of a recent plenary assembly at which the Bishops reflected on the present religious, cultural, social and political situation in Spain.
Furthermore Cardinal Cañizares writes in a recent pastoral letter "No one can overlook the fact that the country is living a crucial hour, especially under certain important aspects and that we need the help of God, because without Him we can do nothing". The Cardinal also calls for special prayer at every Mass on 25 July the feast day of Spain’s the patron, Saint James that the country may remain faithful to its Christian roots and maintain its historic national unity.
The Cardinal recalls that to love and pray for one’s country is a duty included in the Fourth Commandment, “it has nothing to do with politics or political parties instead it is a duty of charity’, he says adding that as long as the present situation lasts Catholics must pray incessantly for the country’s people, cities and democratic institutions.
Also Cardinal Antonio Mª Rouco Varela, Archbishop of Madrid, in a letter addressed to the priests of his diocese, asked for a public prayer for Spain, as well as prayers for the nation at every Mass. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 5/7/2006, righe 39, parole 558)
