AFRICA/CÔTE D'IVOIRE - Catholic radio and newspaper to foster national reconciliation: Bishops announce at the end of recent Plenary Assembly

Friday, 30 June 2006

Abidjan (Agenzia Fides)- The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Côte d'Ivoire is about to launch a Catholic daily newspaper La Nouvelle and a radio station La Voix de l’Evangile which will be heard all over the country. This was announced on 25 June at the end of the Conference’s plenary assembly held in Abidjan. The initiative is to foster national reconciliation in a country divided since 2002.
Among the questions discussed by the Bishops, the situation in the north still under control of New Forces rebels. The prelates said they were satisfied with Catholic school results in that area despite the rebel presence. Despite the national crisis since 2002, school results in the north are above the national average. However the Bishops deplored the persisting violence in the country.
Despite the situation of instability in the north the local Church has never deserted the people but continued to offer material and spiritual assistance. In particular priests and missionaries ensure basic health and education services.
The Bishops asked their Justice and Peace Commission to launch new initiatives to foster national reconciliation and peace.
Côte d'Ivoire is preparing for general elections in October which should lead to national reunification and a new era. In view of the elections a Pilot Committee has been formed to follow the voter registration process. Difficulties remain at the military level. Talks between the army and the rebels in a Bouaké (rebel “capital” in the centre north) stalled over requests made by the insurgents. The rebel army FAFN has demanded an integrated general staff, recognition of grades of rebel troops to be integrated into the regular army and back payment of wages. A good number of rebel officers are mutinied army troops which now demand to be reintegrated in the regular army. However the parties will continue talks to reach an agreement with regard to disarmament.
At the civil level the Pilot Committee is about to start the voter registration process. The first stage consists in recognition by state officials in collaboration with local notaries, of people over the age of 13 without identity papers. In a second stage identity cards will be issued to eligible persons.
The situation is tense in the west of the country after at least nine people were killed in the ‘trust’ zone which marks the border between government and rebel territory. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 20/6/2006 righe 42 parole 509)
