ASIA/PAKISTAN - Controversial Islamic preacher visits the Pakistani government

Friday, 18 October 2024 dialogue   islam   religious minorities  

Radio Pakistan

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - "It is really shocking for us that the controversial Indian Islamic preacher Zakir Naik has been invited by the Pakistani government and is appearing in the main Pakistani cities to sow religious hatred," said to Fides the Dominican Father James Channan, who directs the "Peace Center" in Lahore, which organizes numerous conferences, dialogue forums and interreligious meetings. Father Channan is very concerned about "the denigrations that are being made against Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism, which are very painful". "We do not understand why Naik is given so much space: he has also preached in the Royal Mosque in Lahore, in front of 150,000 people and hundreds of thousands of Muslim believers connected via the Internet, insulting and ridiculing various religions, causing resentment even among Shiites and Ahmadis." "His words are causing religious tension and polarization in Pakistan that can turn into violence," warns the Dominican priest, noting that Naik's speeches "have caused concern among Christians, Hindus and Sikhs." "He has uttered words of contempt towards the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Bible, the Torah and the sacred texts of the Hindus... We are very bitter because these interventions are destroying the constant work of dialogue and peaceful relations that we have patiently built in Pakistan," laments Father Channan. Leaders of various religious communities condemned Zakir Naik's hate speech and derogatory remarks and expressed their deep concern and disappointment: "His presence os detrimental to efforts to promote harmony and interfaith coexistence. The Pakistani government has the duty to prevent hatred and violence and ensure the safety and security of minority communities. The Ministry of Harmony should promote tolerance, understanding and respect among different faith communities. We believe that dialogue and cooperation between religions are essential for building a peaceful and harmonious society. Therefore, inviting a controversial leader is an unclear step," the priest said. Zakir Naik is known for his sectarian speeches and his appearances have already been banned from countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the United Kingdom. "So why not invite the Imam of the Kaaba in Mecca, who always proclaims a message of peace and tolerance?" asks Father Channan, pointing to the deep disappointment of many Sunni Muslim believers and religious leaders who also do not appreciate Zakir Naik's approach. Meanwhile, Christian, Hindu and Sikh leaders boycotted an interreligious conference organized by the Ministry of Harmony in Lahore in recent days. "We wanted to send a signal. The state and religions must work together to promote dialogue and peace and not sow hatred. We are and will always be ready to work together with good will and make our contribution to dialogue, respect, tolerance, peace and harmony," he concluded. (PA) (Agenzia Fides, 18/10/2024)
