AMERICA/CANADA - Monsignor John Boissonneau, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto, appointed National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies

Monday, 16 September 2024

Toronto (Agenzia Fides) - On June 29, 2024, Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization (Section for First Evangelization and New Particular Churches), appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto, John A. Boissonneau, of the Ceremonial Council of the Archdiocese of Toronto, as National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in English-speaking Canada (Toronto) for two years.
The Rev. Monsignor John A. Boissonneau was born on December 7, 1949 in Toronto. He attended the primary schools "Corpus Christi", "Saint Rose of Lima" and "Saint Barbara" in Toronto and the secondary school "Neil McNeil High School". He then studied at Saint Augustine's College and Saint Michael's University to prepare for the priesthood, and eventually earned a bachelor's degree in theology from Saint Paul's University in Ottawa.
He was ordained a priest in the Archdiocese of Toronto on December 14, 1972. He then earned a canonical licentiate in Sacred Theology (1980-1982) and a bachelor's degree from Toronto in 1989. He has held the following positions: Personal Secretary to the Archbishop (1974-1979); Archiepiscopal Chancellor (1979-1980); lecturer at the Toronto Major Seminary (1982 to present); vice-rector of the same seminary (1987-1992); pro-rector of the same seminary (1992-1993); rector of the Major Seminary and pastoral service in the Cathedral (1993 to present). He was also a member of the "Personnel Board" of the Archdiocese and of the Presbyteral Council from 1983 to 1987. (EG) (Agenzia Fides, 16/9/2024)
