APOSTOLIC JOURNEY - Pope Francis in East Timor: excerpts from the address to bishops, priests, catechists and religious

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Vatican Media

Dili (Agenzia Fides) - The first appointment on the agenda for the second day of Pope Francis' visit to East Timor, the third and penultimate stage of his long apostolic journey to Asia and Oceania, was a private visit to the Casa Irmãs Alma in Dili, a facility that cares for disabled children. He then met with the bishops, priests, religious, seminarians and catechists of the small Asian state at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Here are the main passages of his address:

East Timor is a country "at the ends of the world". Precisely because it is at the edge, it is at the center of the Gospel! A Church that does not see the peripheries and hides in the center is a sick Church!

Because at the heart of Christ, the existential peripheries are in fact the center: the Gospel is full of people, characters and stories who are on the edges, on the borders, but who are called by Jesus and become protagonists of the hope that He brings us.

The fragrance received from the Lord must be carefully preserved (...)It means being aware of the gift received, remembering that the fragrance is not for ourselves but for anointing the feet of Christ by proclaiming the Gospel and serving the poor; it means being vigilant towards ourselves, because mediocrity and spiritual lukewarmness are always lurking.

In fact, we must constantly rekindle the flame of faith.

Do not neglect to deepen Christian doctrine and to mature in your spiritual, catechetical and theological formation; because all this serves to proclaim the Gospel in your culture while purifying it of archaic and sometimes superstitious forms and traditions. There are many valuable things in your culture, I am thinking in particular of the belief in the resurrection and in the presence of the souls of the dead; but all this must always be purified in the light of the Gospel and the teaching of the Church.

Evangelization happens when we have the courage to "break" the vessel that contains the fragrant oil, to break the "shell" that often closes us in on ourselves, and to step out of a mediocre, comfortable religiosity lived only for personal needs.

The country needs the fragrance of reconciliation and peace after the painful years of war; the fragrance of compassion that helps the poor to get back on their feet and inspires commitment to the country's economic and social destiny; a fragrance of justice against corruption. And in particular, the fragrance of the Gospel must be spread against everything that degrades, disfigures and even destroys human life, against those plagues that create inner emptiness and suffering, such as alcoholism, violence and lack of respect for the dignity of women. The Gospel of Jesus has the power to transform these dark realities and create a new society.

We need passionate, qualified and creative priests, religious and catechists. (...) I would like to say in particular to priests: I have heard that the people greet you with much affection and call you "Amu", which is the most important title here, it means "Lord". However, this must not lead you to feel superior to the people. (...) It must not lead you to the temptation of pride and power; because the priest is an instrument of blessing. He must never, ever exploit his role, he must always bless, console, be a servant of compassion and a sign of God's mercy. (...). Let us remember: with the oil the feet of Christ are anointed, which are the feet of our brothers and sisters in the faith, starting with the poorest. (F.B.) (Agenzia Fides, 10/9/2024)
