AFRICA/BENIN - Appointment of the Rector of the Saint-Paul National Philosophical Major Seminary of Djimè

Friday, 17 May 2024

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On August 31, 2023, Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, appointed Rev. Télésphore Abley of the clergy of Abomey as Rector of the Saint-Paul National Philosophical Major Seminary of Djimè.
Father Abley, 53 years old and 21 years of priesthood, studied respectively at the Saint-Paul Minor Seminary of Djimè (1986-1990) and at the Notre-Dame de Fatima Minor Seminary of Parakou (1990-1993). After his preparatory year in Missérété (1993-1994), he studied Philosophy and Theology at the Saint-Gall Major Seminary in Ouidah (1994-2001). He has a Doctorate in Philosophy, from San Dàmaso Ecclesiastical University of Madrid (2016-2022). He has carried out the following positions: Formator in the Saint-Paul Seminary of Djimè (2001-2008), founding parish priest of the Notre-Dame de Lourdes parish of Mougnon (2008-2011). Since 2022 he has been deputy director of the Complexe Scolaire Catholique Saint Jeanne d'Arc and Professor at the Saint Paul Major Seminary in Djimè. (EG) (Agenzia Fides, 17/5/2024)
