ASIA/MYANMAR - Angelus prayer and address to the diplomatic corps: "The people of Myanmar are grateful to the Pope for his words"

Tuesday, 9 February 2021 pope francis   politics   priests   local churches   civil society   society   human rights  

Yangon (Agenzia Fides) - "The Pope's words at the Angelus and in his address to the diplomatic corps aroused a sense of gratitude among the people of Myanmar, Catholics and non-Catholics. They were quickly translated into Burmese and posted on Facebbok and other social media. We are very encouraged by this attention and everyone hopes for the welfare and peace for our country", said the Catholic director of the Gloria News Journal, Joseph Kung Za Hmung, from Myanmar, to Fides. "We are very proud and happy that the Pope has listened to our non-violent struggle for democracy and peace in Myanmar", he says.
The peaceful campaign to protest against the coup continues and spreads across the country. Joseph Kung comments on this: "Numerous religious and priests from many Burmese dioceses have organized and demonstrated in public. The people have found the awareness and courage to decide for themselves about their future".
On the other hand, although the army has launched a campaign to arrest activists and intends to block the protest, "it should be noted that police and law enforcement officers have joined the demonstrators", noted Kung, who hopes it will spread and gain support from all sectors of the public administration and the state wishes for the civil disobedience campaign.
Burmese citizens of all religions recall with appreciation the words expressed by the Pope who, on February 8, told the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See: "In these days, my thoughts turn particularly to the people of Myanmar, to whom I express my affection and closeness. The path to democracy undertaken in recent years was brusquely interrupted by last week’s coup d’état. This has led to the imprisonment of different political leaders, who I hope will be promptly released as a sign of encouragement for a sincere dialogue aimed at the good of the country".
In his address after the Angelus prayer on Sunday, February 7th, the Pope recalled the latest developments in Myanmar and called for prayer for the people. According to Kung, the priests and religious in Yangon are spreading this call to promote the faith so that our hope does not die". At the end of the Angelus prayer on Sunday 7 February, Pope Francis addressed Myanmar with a thought, saying: "In this most delicate moment I wish to again assure my spiritual closeness, my prayer and my solidarity to the people of Myanmar. And I pray that those who hold responsibility in the country will place themselves with sincere willingness at the service of the common good, promoting social justice and national stability, for a harmonious and democratic coexistence. Let us pray for Myanmar". (PA) (Agenzia Fides, 9/2/2021)
