Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - "It is truly a precious service for our Earth: if we are united, there will be a change not only in the climate, but also in our relationships and this will become the principle of solution of the ecological crisis afflicting the planet": says to Agenzia Fides mufti Abu Bakar Muhiuddin, president of the "Jamia Islamia" mosque and of the attached Islamic seminary, in Karachi, Pakistan, involved in the initiatives launched in the "Laudato Sì week" (16-24 May) by the "Justice and Peace" Commission of the Archdiocese of Karachi. Fr. Saleh Diego, Vicar General of the Archdiocese and Director of the Commission, speaking to Fides, says: "To respond to Pope Francis' call, to face the ecological crisis together, to take care of creation and humanity, all parishes and Catholic institutions in Karachi celebrated this special Week, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the publication of Laudato Sì. The Justice and Peace Commission and Caritas Karachi have spread the message of the Encyclical among Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Baha'i believers, visiting their places of worship and combining it with awareness to address Covid-19. The Catholic Church has invited all religious leaders to join forces in taking care of our 'common home', mother earth, as described in Pope Francis' Encyclical letter".
The Director adds: "Keeping in mind the inspiring teachings and social values of Laudato Sì, we must act for global solidarity, building good relationships and bridges among religions".
Priests, religious and lay Catholic volunteers visited several mosques, Islamic schools, churches, temples of different faiths in Karachi during the week, delivering copies of the Encyclical in the Urdu language.
Ravi Dass Vaghela, activist of the Hindu community thanked the Justice and Peace Commission and Caritas, declaring: "Laudato Sì is truly an inspiring letter that invites us to protect our mother earth. We must think: what future do we want to give our children? The text asks all organizations to collaborate in transforming our world and to face together the challenges that directly or indirectly affect the environment. It is a powerful invitation to unity and fraternity". (KA-PA) (Agenzia Fides, 25/5/2020)
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Air pollution: religious communities launch initiatives to protect the "common home"