ASIA/INDIA - Evangelising with cinema: 15 million people frequent 13,000 cinemas every week

Monday, 16 January 2006

New Delhi (Fides Service) - The new frontiers of world cinema include Bollywood Film Studios where Indian films and films of other Asian countries are made. Cinema, an important media of our day, can also be a path for evangelisation, a forum for spreading the Message of Christ .
This is the opinion of C.D. Jebasingh, chairman of GIFTS Galilean International Films and Television Services in India, a Catholic who says “The time has come for the Church to use cinema as a channel for spreading the Good News. India has over 13,000 cinemas frequented by 15 million people every week and India itself produces an average of 900 films every year”. He added that GIFTS is at the service of the Catholic community to put this idea into practice.
In recent years Catholics in India have given special attention to the means of communication, also feeling the need to promote an authentic vision of Christianity, often subject to unjust threats and violence on the part of national-extremist groups. Christians realise that the media can be a channel to spread the Good News of the Gospel.
The Bishops are elaborating a communications plan to demonstrate how the small Christian minority in India offers a precious contribution to the nation. Several times the Indian Bishops have said that the country has one of the world’s most active cinema industries and expressed the hope that producers would make good films to promote knowledge of authentic Christianity and the great contribution it has offered and continues to offer for the prosperity and wellbeing of the Indian people. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 16/01/2006 Righe: 25 Parole: 271)
