ASIA/PAKISTAN - A Christian is dying from police violence

Monday, 26 February 2018 human rights   religious minorities   religious freedom   politics   discrimination   violence   justice  


Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - There is outrage, concern and protest in the Christian community in Pakistan after the treatment given by Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) agents on 24-year-old Christian Sajid Masih, during the investigation of the case of blasphemy He has involved his cousin, the 17-year-old Patras Masih. Patras Masih, a young Christian from Shahadra, a suburb of Lahore, has been accused of committing blasphemy with a blasphemous post on Facebook (see Fides 20/2/2018). According to Fides, Patras Masih was handed over to the FIA ​​for questioning. The police also summoned his cousin Sajid Masih to his headquarters. During the interrogation the police reported that Sajid Masih, in an attempt to escape, jumped out of the fourth floor of the building and is now in serious condition in the hospital, in intensive care.
Sajid Masih from the hospital explained his version, stating that some police officers beat him up and tried to force him to have sex with his cousin Patras. To avoid this torture and this act of infamy, Sajid chose to jump out the window.
As learned by Fides, the Christian minister Kamran Micheal has taken note of the incident and has contacted the director general of the FIA, Bashir Memon, asking for an adequate investigation on the matter. The management has ensured a transparent investigation and promised to bring the culprits to the dock. In addition, an escort was assigned to Sajid to avoid retaliation against him.
In a message sent to Fides Agency, Michelle Chaudhry, Catholic layman and president of the "Cecil & Iris Chaudhry Foundation" (CICF) of Lahore, expresses anger and dismay: "We are outraged and horrified by the behavior of FIA officials. We demand a serious investigation that ascertains the responsibilities. This police brutality is unacceptable. The government and the police must protect the life and dignity of every single Pakistani".
An appeal to the Prime Minister of Punjab was addressed by Adan Farhaj, a Pakistani Christian, member of the "Pakistan Minority Rights Organization" in the United Kingdom: "It is urgent to intervene - Fides points out - against this injustice committed by criminals who have ferociously dishonored our confreres in Pakistan. Every day, hatred and discrimination towards the Christian community are taught in Pakistani society. We call on the Pakistani government to protect justice and safeguard the rights of religious minorities, especially Christians who suffer violence. Freedom is a right of all and must be protected ". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 26/2/2018)
