AFRICA/RWANDA - Catholic Sister launches association for the promotion of a culture of peace and conflict solving through dialogue

Wednesday, 30 November 2005

Kigali (Fides Service)- To heal scars of the 1994 genocide and promote a culture of peace Rwandan born Catholic nun Sister Donata Uwimanimpaye head mistress of a Catholic School in Muramba has launched a peace project called Apax.
The aim of Apax , an entirely Rwandan endeavour, is to respond to the people’s desire for reconciliation and peace. The programme includes initiatives of non violence and conflict solving for example the building of a candle factory.
Sr Donata Uwimanimpaye studied at the University of Fribourg, in Switzerland and was there in 1994 at the time of the genocide in Rwandan. The subject of her thesis on “Preparation for Conflict Solving”. Now she intends to put her studies into practice to help solve social problems and tensions with methods learned in Switzerland and since 1999 in the United States.
Apax has branches in various parts of the country opened by young teachers. Christian education to the value of peace is totally in keeping with the objectives of Rwanda’s National Commission for Unity and Reconciliation.
To support the project in Rwanda, the Apax Association for education to values of peace was founded in Switzerland to support actions of mediation in Rwanda. The association founded in 2001 by a group of Sr Donata Uwimanimpaye’s friends collects of funds in various ways including an initiative “African dishes” at the Africanum Institute in Fribourg. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 30/11/2005 righe 26 parole 298)
