Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - Indonesia has its first Catholic television in streaming and will soon broadcast via satellite frequency. As Fides learns from the Commission for Social Communications of the Archdiocese of Jakarta, the first Catholic television channel is called "Hidup TV", from the term "hidup" which means "life".
The TV was presented at the annual meeting of "Signis Indonesia" held in Central Java, in recent days. Among the members of "Signis Indonesia" there are those responsible for the Commission for Social Communication in Jakarta.
During the meeting, father Harry Sulistiyo, head of Jakarta's Commission, shared the project of the television station, primarily seen as a "pastoral opportunity" with other diocesan leaders. Father Sulistiyo informed that Hidup TV broadcasts programs in streaming and will shortly be developed through the satellite Q-Band frequency, visible with a parable throughout Indonesia. The Executive Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Social Communications, Fr. Kamilus Pantus, told Fides: "We thank Archbishop Ignatius Suharyo of Jakarta who encouraged and supported the Commission for Social Communications in conceiving and founding Hidup TV".
The idea is to give TV a particularly pastoral aspect, making it a support to preaching and catechesis. It is a project that was born as interdiocesan and will provide news and specific experiences to each diocese. "All the diocesan commission for social communications will contribute with productions and programs of different formats: from forums to movies, documentaries, music that will be broadcast by Hiup TV".
Father Steven Lalu, director of the Commission for Social Communications in the Diocese of Manado (on Sulawesi Indonesian island) confirmed his support to the project and, in an interview with Agenzia Fides, said he considers Hidup TV "a creative initiative to meet the needs of the faithful, in a world marked by the development of information technology".
Today Hidup TV broadcasts in digital streaming three hours a day, and in the near future will reach eight hours a day. Among the currently existing programs, there are programs dedicated to reflections and spiritual comments, children's programs, music programs. (PA-PP) (Agenzia Fides 20/02/2017)