Mumbai (Agenzia Fides) - To be merciful means going beyond borders and barriers: this is the meaning of the interfaith meeting organized in recent days in Wadala, one of the main areas in Mumbai, in the Indian state of Maharashtra. In the parish of Our Lady of Sorrows, speakers, intellectuals, experts, theologians of different religions gathered to reflect on "the wonderful theme of mercy that embraces the heart of every man and woman without distinction of any kind, religious, ethical, cultural", says to Fides Sr. Teresa Joseph FMA, Secretary of the Office for dialogue and ecumenism within the Bishops' Conference of India.
"The meeting started with the theme 'Merciful as the Father', which is the motto of this Holy Year", says Sr. Joseph, and found in Hinduism, as shown by Professor Harsha Badkar of Wilson College, how the faithful of that religion "must seek mercy and extend it to all". Professor Shilpa spoke instead of Jainism, highlighting how it unites "freedom and responsibility": "Everyone is encouraged to act with equanimity", and this is an aspect of mercy. Zuhair Nathani has the task of speaking of mercy in Islam, which "he relates to the love of the mother to a child", said Professor Rustom, speaking of Zoroastrianism, recalling that mercy in that worship "is an attribute of omniscient God. Mercy and justice are two sides of the same coin, remarked those present. "The mercy of God overcomes all boundaries", said Fr. Vivian D'Souza, parish priest at the Church of Sorrow, citing Pope Francis.
"The name of God is mercy. Jesus is the incarnation of the Father’s love and mercy. Love and mercy invite all of us to be inclusive and not to break relationships with anyone".
"Mercy goes beyond borders", said those present, noting that "the works of mercy are part of the lifestyle of believers of various religions". (PA) (Agenzia Fides 24/08/2016)
OCEANIA/SAMOA - V World Apostolic Congress on Mercy: an Ocean of Love that surrounds the whole world