AFRICA/GUINEA - A weak monitoring system favors the spread of Ebola

Monday, 9 November 2015 healthcare  

European Commission DG ECHO

Conakry (Agenzia Fides) – A few days ago WHO declared Sierra Leone Ebola free (see Fides 06/11/2015), but in neighboring Guinea the disease continues to claim victims and has so far killed over 11,000 people in West Africa. "The reason that makes it difficult to stop the epidemic – explains a statement sent to Fides by the NGO Doctors Without Borders - is the weak monitoring system". Currently, in West Africa, there are about 15,000 survivors, many of them with physical health problems: joint pain, chronic fatigue, difficulty in hearing and eye problems that can lead to blindness. Moreover, the fear and the stigma surrounding the virus can lead to severe depression, post-traumatic stress disorders and mental health problems. However, survivors have huge difficulties in accessing health services. There is still the fear of some health workers to treat the survivors, and access to health services can be economically challenging for people who have lost their jobs. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 09/11/2015)
