AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Strengthen communion, nourish missionary spirit in ordinary pastoral , witness to faith in Jesus Christ and respond to his missionary mandate and the challenges of today: the Church in Jujuy prepares for 2nd Mission Congress

Tuesday, 20 September 2005

Jujuy (Fides Service) - From 30 September to 2 October at the Santa Teresita Education Centre the diocese of Jujuy will hold its 2nd diocsean Mision Congress with the slogan “Church of Jujuy, give of your poverty!”. Some 1,200 parish delegates will take part. After sharing their local experiences they will carry the doctrinal and pastoral message and conclusions and suggestions back to their parishes.
The objectives of the congress are the following: enourage reflection among the different ambits of the people of God to promote commitment to the universal mission and assume with a spirituality of communion responsibility for the evangelisation of the Church in Jujuy; promote awareness of the Pontifical Mission Societies PMS as a valid and effective means for missionary animation, formation, organisation and cooperation in the parish; adopt commitments emerging from the Congress through mission “ad intra” in parish activities, looking towards mission “ad gentes”.
Friday 30 September, after welcoming addresses by Bishop Marcelo Palentini of Jujuy and Fr. Jairo Calderón, national director of the PMS Argentina, the participants will listen to a conference on “Eucharist and Mission”, followed by group discussion. A conference after supper will focus on: “the Particular Church: Mystery of Communion for Mission”. The day will close with adoration of the Eucharist. On 1 October conferences will deal with different aspects of mission in the parish: “Missionary parish”, “missionary activities in the parish” and “challenges of Mission”. The participants may visit a Mission Exhibition opened for the occasion and take part on a Missionary March. On Sunday 2 October there will be a panel of missionary testimony, the closing Mass and reading of Conclcusions and Resolutions. (RZ) (Agenzia Fides 20/9/2005, righe 24 parole 309)
