AMERICA/CUBA - “May every child be an apostle for other children”: 370 children take part in 2nd National Holy Childhood Congress in Cuba

Tuesday, 30 August 2005

Camagüey (Fides Service) - About 370 children and adolescents gathered with 50 animators all members of the Pontifical Holy Childhood Society for Cuba’s 2nd National Holy Childhood Congress held at La Merced diocesan house in Camagüey (Cuba), Fr. Raúl Rodríguez Dago, national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Cuba informed Fides. The congress was held in Camaguey because it was there that the first Holy Childhood group was formed in 1992 in the parish of Santa Ana.
The Congress began with the entrance of the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Charity at the end of a pilgrimage to the different Holy Childhood groups in the archdiocese of Camagüey in preparation for the Congress. Opening addresses were given by Fr. Raúl Rodríguez and the national Holy Childhood secretary Enrique Cabrera Nápoles. There followed the reading of two messages of good wishes, one from Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, Papal nuncio in Cuba and the other from Cardinal Jaime Ortega Alamino, President of the Cuban Bishops conference who urged the children present at the congress “to be missionaries always”, reminding them that their feild of mission is among other children. “may every Holy Childhood child be an apostle for other children” he wrote in the message.
During the congress held in July the young participants reflected on their missionary identity and how to strengthen missionary activity in their local communities. The Congress particpants urged all children to heed the call of Jesus to spread God’s love. The closing Mass was presided by Archbisop Juan García of Camagüey, President of the Bishops’ Commission for mission. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 30/8/2005 righe 21 parole 285)
