AMERICA/CANADA - At the end of a special formation session for diocesan delegates of the Pontifical Mission Societies each participant received a piece of bread bearing the words “Love is a gift to share”

Tuesday, 5 July 2005

Montreal (Fides Service) - Recently representatives of twenty Canadian dioceses from five provinces gathered in Montreal for an important formation session for diocesan directors of Pontifical Mission Societies PMS. This was reported to Fides by French-speaking PMS National Director for Canada Huguette Le Blanc who is determined to make the PMS better known among young people and adults.
Up-coming activities include: a Day of Reflection to mark the 40th anniversary of Vatican II’s Ad Gentes decree on the Church’s missionary activity; preparation of activities in line with the International Eucharistic Congress scheduled to be held in Québec in June 2008; preparation of a Animation Dossier for CAM 3 and, most important, animation for this year’s World Mission Sunday on 23 October. The theme proposed - “Love becomes Gift so that our Gift may be Love” - was warmly welcomed by the participants. “The heart of our faith is that God’s Love is a gift for all men and women-Huguette Le Blanc told Fides-. We feel impelled to share this knowledge with words, deeds, attitudes of service… to the ends of the earth. The meeting among peoples, evangelisation itself, stems from this certainty that Love comes to us. To welcome Love means to let it transform us, believing firmly that we are called to make our entire life a gift of Love”.
In this Year of the Eucahrist, the PMS office prepared missionary animation for parishes, families, the elderly, young people and children taking as an example the two disciples who met the Risen Lord on the road to Emmaus. Bishop Clément Fecteau, President of the Canadian Bishops’ Commission for Missions, presided the closing Mass and the sending of missionaries consigning to each participant a piece of bread bearing the words “Love is a gift to share””. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 5/7/2005, righe 23, parole 327)
