EUROPE/SWITZERLAND - China signs new 52 million dollar agreement with Global Fund for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria

Friday, 3 June 2005

Rome (Fides Service) - China signed a new agreement for a fund for HIV/AIDS and TB for 52 million dollars in two years for a total value of 120 million dollars in the next five years.
The funds are a result of an earlier subsidy to China from the Global Fund for AIDS, TB and malaria of 152 million dollars. Two of these three subsidies are already operative and at the second stage of a five year programme.
The new subsidy for TB, 28 million dollars in the next two years will promote more collaboration between hospitals and clinics as well as a programme of education and information on TB. In fact in 2000 60% of people with TB in China had received no health preparation at all on the disease before their case was diagnosed.
China has the world’s largest programme for TB and the new subsidy will be invested for the poorest people with TB in the most vulnerable areas of the country, mainly in the 24 central western provinces. In 2000 in these provinces the prevalence of TB was 70% higher than in eastern provinces.
The subsidy for HIV/AIDS amounts to 24 million dollars for the first two years. Results are expected by June 2007 with the institution of 58 clinics for methadone maintenance, service of counselling on AIDS 300,000 people; anti-retroviral treatment for 10,000 HV+ people; treatment for opportunistic diseases for 20,000 people and preventative treatment with ARV for 40% of HIV= pregnant mothers.
The Global Fund is the only global public-private partnership for collecting and distributing additional funds for the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. (AP) (Agenzia Fides 3/6/2005; Righe:27; Parole:328)
