AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Calm replaces tension of past few days

Tuesday, 31 May 2005

Bissau (Fides Service)- “At last calm has returned and the electoral process has started again” said local Church sources in locale Bissaucapital of Guinea Bissau where tension rose after former president Kumba Yala and a group of supported occupied the President’s Residence for a few hours (see Fides 27 May 2005).
“The country reacted quietly to the provocation and the army confirmed its commitment to defend the Constitution and not to interfere with the electoral process” the sources told Fides. “The visit to Guinea Bissau of UN special envoy former president of Mozambique Joachim Chissano, also helped to stabilise the situation”.
Joachim Chissano praised the army “for behaving like a true republican force” and he said he had heard no alarming reports of disorder in Guinea Bissau. “All Guinea’s people want is peace and free and fair elections” he said
“With the end of tension several candidates in the presidential elections including Kumba Yala resumed their electoral campaign holding meetings in various parts of the capital and in the rest of the country” the sources told Fides.
Former President Kumba Yala was overthrown with a bloodless coup in September 2003. After a period of house arrest he reappeared on the political scene claiming to be the legitimate president. After failing to obtain the cancellation of the June 19 vote Kumba Yala presented his candidacy
During the night of 24 May,Kumba Yala and about 20 military supporters occupied the president’s residence for about 4 hours. The head of state Henrique Rosa and the African Union said it was an attempted coup. As a result of the episode a dozen members of Kumba Yala’s party and 58 soldiers were arrested.
To protest against the occupation of the President’s Residence a group of about 300 young people mostly young women stage a peaceful demonstration in the capital. But other people sacked the offices of Kumba Yala’s party. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 31/5/2005 righe 30 parole 374)
