ASIA/PHILIPPINES - “John Paul II was the conscience of humanity” says Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales of Manila

Monday, 4 April 2005

Manila (Fides Service) - “He was a father and a shepherd who guided us on the journey of life. We will always remember him here amongst us, the times he came to visit us, and bless us. At this time of grief we find comfort in praying for our Holy Father, whose zeal was without compare” Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales of Manila, wrote in a message addressed to the Catholics of Manila on the occasion of the death of Pope John Paul II.
He continued: “The Pope was an extraordinary leader and an extraordinary person. He was above all a man of God who gave himself completely to his mission and he had become the conscience of humanity”.
“It would seem as if the Lord wished to call him away from us gradually so we could prepare for this day when he is no longer with us. His powerful voice did not stop all at once, it faded away day by day until it was only a breath. Despite our mourning - the Archbishop concluded - we are filled with hope and we thank God for giving us John Paul II who served the Church for all these years”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 4/4/2005 righe 19 parole 195)
