ASIA/HOLY LAND - Christians around the world invited to pray for peace: “A Lamp for peace in the Holy Land” initiative

Thursday, 31 March 2005

Jerusalem (Fides Service) - Lamp for Peace in the Holy Land is the name of an initiative to unite the Christians of the world in prayer for the Holy Land. The initiative launched by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, the archdiocese of Florence (Italy), the Commission for Clergy Taybeh (Palestine), Caritas Jerusalem, Italian association Coltiviamo la Pace, the Olive Branch Foundation, Palestine.
The initiative consists in producing and selling oil lamps handmade in the Palestinian village of Taybeh. The lamps will be lit during prayers to support Christians in the Holy Land and to ask God to grant the gift of reconciliation and peace in the Middle East. Besides encouraging prayers for peace thanks to the production of the lamps the initiative will also boost employment among Holy Land Christians impoverished due to years of conflict and lack of work. The initiative involves Latin and Greek Catholics and is ecumenical thanks to the participation of Greek Orthodox clergy and faithful.
(PA) (Agenzia Fides 31/3/2005 righe 21 parole 277)
