AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Catholic Bishops call for changes in proposed Bill to impose on women a life style contrary to their nature and role: “the Church does not oppose the promotion of women but recognition of equality must be accompanied by the valorisation of the gifts with God has endowed them”

Wednesday, 9 March 2005

Managua (Fides Service) - The Bishops’ Conference of Nicaragua has voiced concern with regard to a proposed Bill on Equal Rights, approved by the Women’s Commission of Nicaragua’s Legislative Assembly.
The Bishops said the Bill, which tends to impose a new life style on women, puts them in conflict with their very nature, their family and with society, endangering the role of women in society and in God’s plan. The law recognises equality and new “special rights” for women including the right to have an abortion, the right to recognition of homosexual unions, the right to a set number of places in power and the right to half the jobs in the country, simply because they are women.
The Church - the Bishops say - does not oppose the promotion of women and the recognition of their rights, but “recognition of equality must be accompanied by the valorisation of the gifts with God has endowed them”.
The Bishops also underline clearly the fact that the law is ambiguous and the language used is misleading:: “sexual health” and “reproductive health” are internationally recognised as euphemisms of abortion and promotion of homosexuality. The term “kinds” alters the very essence of man and woman, denying the natural differences between them. Male and female are replaced by six kinds: homosexual, bisexual, trans-sexual, indifferentiated, heterosexual, “trans-generic”.
The Bishops also say that the power share reserved for women is discriminating and anti-constitutional and a serious social injustice. They say the Bill must be revised to ensure that none of its articles leave the door open to abortion and recognition of homosexuality. At the end of their statement the Bishops call on legislators to ensure that “in the debate, egoistic interests of groups or individuals do not prevail over the precious good our human life and therefore over society and respect for the cultural values of our Christian people”. And, recalling the words of the Holy Father with regard to the duty of people responsible for public life ‘to take courageous decisions for life, particularly in the field of legislation ’ (EV 3), the Bishops say “the life of every human person must be respected and protected from the beginning of his or her existence”. (R.Z.) (Agenzia Fides 9/3/2005; righe 32; parole 410)
See statement in Spanish
