AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Reflection and study on contents and methods of the Catholic Church’s evangelisation process: South Horn Missiology Courses organised by Juan Pablo II Centre in Buenos Aires

Thursday, 13 January 2005

Buenos Aires (Fides Service) - From 31 January to 19 February the annual South Horn Missiology Course will be held at the Juan Pablo II Missiology Centre in Buenos Aires. The courses, started in 1982, are organised by Pontifical Mission Societies’ Centre for missionary animation and formation. The course is offered to all pastoral workers, priests and religious, as well as seminarians, members of missionary groups and laity anxious to deepen their knowledge of the Church’s missionary activity.
The main purpose of the course is to “promote reflection and study on the contents and methods of the Church’s missionary activity from the historical, anthropological, theological, pastoral and cultural aspects; to motivate and sustain the missionary work of the Church in Latin America and beyond”. The course aims to foster a universal mentality to enable participants to live the Catholicity of the Church to the full and help them to discern the signs of the times present in mission today.
The course is structured in such a way that it can be followed on the spot or by correspondence, or both. Subjects treated will include: Missionary spirituality, Theological foundations of mission, Mission panorama past and present, mission and integral evangelisation, programmes of missionary animation, Anthropology for mission, the missionary dimension of the liturgy and the sacraments; Mission and Cultures; Theology of Religions and Inter-religious dialogue, missionary dimension of catechesis; missionary pastoral and the Pontifical Mission Societies. For more information see:, and (RZ) (Agenzia Fides 13/1/2005; righe 22, parole 269)
