VATICAN - On the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, the Pope recalls “the mission of the Christian starts with Baptism” and says “the rediscovery of Baptism through opportune itineraries of adult catechesis is an important aspect of new evangelisation”

Monday, 10 January 2005

Vatican City (Fides Service) - Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan and the rediscovery of the importance of Baptism were the subject of Pope John Paul II’s midday reflection on Sunday 9 January, before reciting the Angelus prayer with thousands of people gathered beneath his window in St Peter’s Square. On the feast of the Baptism of Jesus, “event which the Evangelists consider the start of his Messianic ministry”, the Pope recalled that Christ’s mission will reach its fulfilment in the Paschal Mystery, “in which by dying and rising again he takes away the sin of the world”.
“The mission of every Christian also starts with Baptism - said the Pope -. the rediscovery of Baptism through opportune itineraries of adult catechesis is an important aspect of new evangelisation. To renew and mature one’s adhesion to the faith is a condition for full participation in the Eucharistic Celebration which is the summit of ecclesial life.”
After entrusting all baptised Christians to Most Holy Mary, that they may make their life “a constant offering to God in the daily exercise of the commandment of love, exercising the common priesthood proper to every baptised person”, and reciting the Angelus, the Pope said he was thinking of all the children baptised in the past year: “I embrace them and I bless them and I also bless their Godparents and parents encouraging them to nourish in the children, through word and example, the seed of divine life planted with the sacrament of Baptism” said the Pope. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 10/1/2005; righe 18; parole 252)
