AFRICA/SOMALIA - Somalia: tsunami. “Tragedy worsened by non-existent state administration” Bishop Bertin, Apostolic Administrator Mogadishu told Fides

Friday, 7 January 2005

Rome (Fides Service) - Some African countries were also affected by the December 26 seaquake. The most serious situation is in Somalia at Rafi Hafun in the north eastern region of Bari also called Migiurtina. “At least 150 are reported dead or missing here” Bishop Giorgio Bertin of Djibouti and Apostolic Administrator of Mogadishu told Fides. “The area is isolated from the rest of the country and the main activities are fishing a salt production”
“Because of difficult communications in that area the death toll is still only temporary” the Bishop said. According to international press most of the people killed or missing were fisherfolk.
“Other affected areas included the old port at Mogadishu seriously damaged although there were no victims, and the southern coast where the fury of the waters destroyed wells” Bishop Bertin told Fides. “Damage in Somalia was certainly less serious than in other countries, those in Asia for example” the Bishop said. “However when assessing the consequences of the seaquake it should not be forgotten that Somalia has no state administration and so aid mechanisms are practically non existent, particularly in isolated areas like Rafi Hannun”.
“As a concrete sign of solidarity with the people of Somalia affected by the disaster, Djibouti diocese is holding a special collection on Sunday 9 January” Bishop Bertin said. “Moreover we have given 3,000 dollars to rebuild wells in southern Somalia and not to be forgotten either is the sum of 10,000 dollars for Somalia given by Cor Unum on behalf of the Pope”.
According to the United Nations Office for Co-ordinating Humanitarian Affairs in Somalia the seaquake destroyed about 18,000 homes and thousands of fishing boats affecting some 54,000 people.
Elsewhere in Africa, the tsunami killed ten people in Tanzania and at least one person in Kenya. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 7/1/2005 righe 33 parole 365)
