AMERICA/PERU - Caritas Peru joins solidarity campaign for south east Asia seaquake victims and asks Peruvians to join international solidarity chain

Tuesday, 4 January 2005

Lima (Fides Service) - Caritas Peru has joined the chain of solidarity launched by Caritas Internationalis in close collaboration with Caritas India and Caritas Sri Lanka to provide prompt relief aid to the victims of the seaquake disaster in south east Asia. Caritas Lima has urged institutions and individual citizens to show solidarity with the numerous brothers and sisters affected by the tragedy by contributing to the chain of international aid. In fact this is the best way to help considering the vast area affected by the tsunami and difficulties with distribution of material aid. Donations may be made to the Banco de Credito: 193 - 1415292 - 0 - 78 in Soli, and 193 - 1416587 - 1 - 68 in dollars.
According to Caritas Internazionalis general secretary Duncan MacLaren, a week after the seaquake which caused havoc in at least 10 different countries on the Indian Ocean, Caritas offices all over the world had already put together a sum of 35 million dollars to provide relief aid for the homeless through national Caritas offices in the affected area.
In a message to Caritas Offices everywhere Mr MacLaren said “this is the most serious disaster in modern times”, only hours after the catastrophe “churches and schools still standing, opened their doors to shelter survivors and local Caritas workers set emergency programmes in motion”. (RZ) (Agenzia Fides 4/1/2004 righe 32 parole 349)
