EUROPE/ITALY - Roman doctors on mission in Africa. AFMAL celebrates 25th anniversary with positive results of Mission in Mali: 150 operations in 7 days to restore sight to chronically blind

Thursday, 9 December 2004

Rome (Fides Service) - 150 eye operations, more than 800 examinations, 2 emergency operations were performed as part of a “Restore Light” humanitarian mission undertaken by Roman doctors members of AFMAL (St John of God Brothers Association for Patients at a Distance) in the town of Gao, Mali.
The mission to cure blindness caused by untreated diseases was achieved in collaboration with the Italian airforce and the A.R.C. (Association for Research and Co-operation in Developing Countries).
A team of co-ordinators, logistic experts, doctors and nurses of St John of God Brothers hospitals in Rome Benevento and Naples, ARC and the Italian airforce was led by AFMAL vice president Brother Benedetto Possemato. People came with every means of transport to Gao hospital for treatment. The team visited and treated hundreds of patients who regained their sight.
Rome’s contribution to the mission was important. The airforce co-ordinated operations to transfer personnel and more than ten tonnes of material: beds, mattresses and AFMAL medical equipment which will remain in Gao so that more people may benefit from it. The material also included spectacles prepared for the newly operated and other patients on the basis of over the phone prescriptions.
A successful mission therefore for an association which will celebrate its 25th anniversary on 14 December during a national meeting when AFMAL will retrace these years of activity with testimony of various personalities who collaborate with the association. (AP) (9/12/2004 Agenzia Fides; Righe:27; Parole:335)
