Saint Paul (Agenzia Fides) - "Mgr. Paul Terrio, Bishop of the Diocese of Saint Paul in Alberta (Canada) and the Catholic community of Saint Paul, mourn the violent death of Father Gilbert Dasna, of the Congregation of the Sons of Mary Mother of Mercy (SMMM), Assistant Pastor of the St Paul's Parish Cathedral": this is what is reported in the statement sent to Fides Agency from local sources. The diocese awaits the full report of the police before commenting on the circumstances of the priest’s death.
According to a first reconstruction of the facts, on the evening of May 9, a criminal was stopped by two police cars at an intersection, who started shooting at the police and rammed one of the police cars, seriously injuring the two officers inside. The police managed to kill the criminal. Father Gilbert, who was nearby, was reached by the blows of a firearm.
The death of father Gilbert has shocked not only the Catholic community but also the entire village (less than 6000 inhabitants). He is remembered as a kind and generous priest, who radiated joy and peace. He was born on February 28, 1982 in Cameroon and was ordained a priest on 11 July 2009 and was Assistant Pastor of St. Paul's Cathedral from 19 May 2011 until his death. He died on May 9, 2014, the same day of his arrival in Canada, three years before, on 9 May 2011. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 12/05/2014)