AFRICA/NIGERIA - "There is a growing temptation to self-defense if the State does not guarantee security": warning of Bishops

Friday, 14 September 2012

Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "Nigerians continue to live in fear and tension. In spite of the acclaimed efforts to beef up security in the nation, bombings and senseless killings of innocent Nigerians, continue in the northern part of the country, while kidnappings, murders and armed robberies continue in the southern part. " This is the complaint of the Nigerian Bishops in their statement released at the end of the Second Plenary Assembly of the Episcopate.
Defining the failure of the government to provide adequate security for all Nigerians is "a serious form of abuse of human dignity," the Bishops stressed that "this unfortunate situation creates loopholes for evil doers to thrive and for the proliferation of arms and dagerous weapons under the guise of self-defense." Of particular concern are the attacks of the Islamist group Boko Haram against different Christian churches in northern Nigeria. With regards to this point the statement said: "In the face of sustained attacks on Christians and churches in northern Nigeria, we insist that our patient response is not bourne out of cowardice, but of universal Christ-like love, religious maturity and genuine patriotism." Bishops warn, however: "we fear that, in the face of continued unprovoked onslaught, Christians might resort to ligitimate self-defense."
"It is time that Local, State and Federal security agencies wake up to their duty to protect and defend the life and the dignity of everybody" say the Bishops, who also invite to be more vigilant at the borders, in checkmating any the "foreign sponsors of terrorist activities in Nigeria." (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 14/09/2012)
