AFRICA/NIGERIA - "Boko Haram wants to destabilize the government," says President Jonathan

Monday, 25 June 2012

Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - The Islamist sect Boko Haram wants to destabilize the government and therefore attacks Christian places of worship, seeking to divide Christians from Muslims. This is the meaning of the speech on behalf of the President of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, broadcast yesterday, Sunday, June 24, by the national radio and television. The Nigerian President noted that Boko Haram launched its campaign of terror against military targets, but then when they saw that this strategy did not work, began to attack Christian places of worship, hoping to start a spiral of retaliation . Goodluck Jonathan said it must be of no surprise if Boko Haram were to also attack Islamic places of worship, to try to elevate the tension and cause a conflict between the two major communities of believers in the Country. To combat the terrorism of Boko Haram, the President announced a turnover of top security. Meanwhile, in Damaturu, a city in the north-east of Nigeria, last week the theater of a bloody battle between cult members and security forces (see Fides 19/06/2012), a commando of Boko Haram attacked the prison, killing four guards and freeing 40 prisoners. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 25/6/2012)
