AFRICA/NIGERIA - "We are dealing with a group of criminals, we are not dealing with ethnic and religious cleansing," said Mgr. Kaigama, who calls for caution

Monday, 11 June 2012

Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "We are dealing with a group of criminals who think that the Church is an enemy, because in their eyes it embodies Western culture. But I do not think that this is the vision of the majority of Muslims in Nigeria. Who attacks Christian places of worship is a gang of criminals who have also lost their orientation. No one knows what they want to achieve with this violence," says to Fides His Exc. Mgr. Ignatius Ayau Kaigama, Archbishop of Jos and President of the Episcopal Conference of Nigeria, commenting on the attacks on Christian places of worship in Jos (where a suicide bomber blew himself up in the air in the Christ Chosen Church) and in Biu (where an armed group opened fire on the faithful who were participating in a service), which occurred yesterday, Sunday, June 10. Mgr. Kaigama is in Calabar, where he is going back to Jos, and has no direct information on the latest events, even if he keeps in constant touch with his diocesan collaborators. According to press reports, in the two attacks 4 people were killed. Both attacks were claimed by the Islamic Boko Haram sect. According to the President of the Episcopal Conference of Nigeria the fact that "this group of criminals refers to Islam does not mean that all Nigerian Muslims share their actions. I disagree with those who speak of ethnic cleansing or religious. There are also groups of Christians who tend to exaggerate the situation with the help of the media that present a distorted picture of what is happening. Some Christians complain about not being able to practice the religion. As far as my archdiocese is concerned, I can assure you that in Jos there is a strong Catholic community that is not subject to impediments in freely celebrating the prayer meetings and carry out their religious duties. One must therefore be cautious in reporting the facts, as this may spread further panic and confusion," warns Mgr. Kaigama. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 11/6/2012)
